Uterine Polyps Cancer Treatment
Nobody knows how common uterine polyps are.
Some research suggest it occurs in 10% of women.
Patients who go to their doctor complaining menstrual bleeding problems will usually be tested for the possibility of polyps.
Symptoms: Intermenstrual bleeding, excessive bleeding, spotting after intercourse.
Because most polyps are small, they usually do not cause any symptoms.
Larger polyps will cause the symptoms mentioned above.
If the polyps interfere with sperms or eggs, it might make it hard to get pregnant.
Polyps may also cause a higher risk of miscarriage.
This can be a thing condition to look out for in recurrent miscarriage cases.
Multiple case reports indicate that tamoxifen treatment (breast cancer treatment) may stimulate the development and growth of endometrial polyps.
The good news is, polyps are usually benign.
Only very rarely (around 1%) are precancerous or cancerous.
Treatment Polyps are normally removed surgically.
Polyps can be removed by performing D & C ( Dilation and Cutterage), but the cutterage method may miss the polyps because this method is mainly performed buy feel.
Newer development allow the polyps to be seen visually (Hysteroscopy).
The use of a hysterescope allows polyps to be removed through the cervix visually.
Hysteroscopy using small tubes can be performed in the office, but larger tubes (used to remove large polyps or fibroids) usually require anesthesia in the hospital.
What do you do after surgery? What are the chances the polyps will recur? These are some of the issues that you need to prepare for even after treatment of uterine polyps.
Some research suggest it occurs in 10% of women.
Patients who go to their doctor complaining menstrual bleeding problems will usually be tested for the possibility of polyps.
Symptoms: Intermenstrual bleeding, excessive bleeding, spotting after intercourse.
Because most polyps are small, they usually do not cause any symptoms.
Larger polyps will cause the symptoms mentioned above.
If the polyps interfere with sperms or eggs, it might make it hard to get pregnant.
Polyps may also cause a higher risk of miscarriage.
This can be a thing condition to look out for in recurrent miscarriage cases.
Multiple case reports indicate that tamoxifen treatment (breast cancer treatment) may stimulate the development and growth of endometrial polyps.
The good news is, polyps are usually benign.
Only very rarely (around 1%) are precancerous or cancerous.
Treatment Polyps are normally removed surgically.
Polyps can be removed by performing D & C ( Dilation and Cutterage), but the cutterage method may miss the polyps because this method is mainly performed buy feel.
Newer development allow the polyps to be seen visually (Hysteroscopy).
The use of a hysterescope allows polyps to be removed through the cervix visually.
Hysteroscopy using small tubes can be performed in the office, but larger tubes (used to remove large polyps or fibroids) usually require anesthesia in the hospital.
What do you do after surgery? What are the chances the polyps will recur? These are some of the issues that you need to prepare for even after treatment of uterine polyps.