What is Meter?
Question: What is Meter?
In Greek and Latin poetry, meter (metre) is the number and arrangement of long and short syllables in a verse or line. It can also refer to just the number of feet in a line of poetry. Meter is often named with two terms, the one referring to the number of feet with the word "-meter" attached, and the other to the dominant long and short syllable pattern in each foot.
Thus, epic poetry is described as dactylic hexameter.
In Greek and Latin poetry, meter (metre) is the number and arrangement of long and short syllables in a verse or line. It can also refer to just the number of feet in a line of poetry. Meter is often named with two terms, the one referring to the number of feet with the word "-meter" attached, and the other to the dominant long and short syllable pattern in each foot.
Thus, epic poetry is described as dactylic hexameter.
Greek and Latin Poetry Meter FAQ Index:
- What Is an Anceps?
- What's the Difference Between Caesura and Diaeresis?
- What's an Example of a Caesura?
- What Is Dactylic Hexameter?
- What Is an Example of an Elegiac Couplet?
- What Is an Ictus?
- What Is Meter?
- Which Meters Does Latin Poetry Use?
- What Is a Metron?
- What is Prosody?
- How Do You Scan a Line of Latin Poetry?