Different Ways to File Taxes
- Many paid professionals will gladly help you at tax time. You simply drop off the requested documents and return at the designated time to pick up your return. Check the person's credentials you are considering to ensure his qualifications are solid. Only three licensed professionals can represent you before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): the Enrolled Agent, The Certified Public Accountant and an attorney. Prices vary by firm, so shop around, ask a friend for a reference and find someone with whom you are comfortable. After all, your personal finances are at stake.
- A plethora of tax software products are on the market, all leading you through the preparation process, posing questions to ensure no deductions are missed. The software, however, is a lot like the paid professional --- prices vary and the degree of service depends on the program. Check out all options before making a purchase. In addition, remember that while the programs can do some of the thinking for you, the output is only as good as the input. If you make an error the software does not catch, you will most definitely end up submitting this error.
- The IRS and most states have updated websites to include all the forms and publications needed to prepare your tax returns. Usually included is a frequently asked questions section and the opportunity to free e-file if you qualify. If you are adventurous, unafraid of doing some research yourself, this is a viable free option.
- Instead of preparing forms online, you can simply print what you need and complete manually. You can also find these forms at a local, federal or state revenue office. The IRS recommends e-filing to help avoid math errors; however, there is no requirement to do so. If you are a W-2 wage earner and have limited deductions, completing the forms is easy. To prevent oversights, thoroughly review your returns before mailing.
- A wide variety of free help and counseling is available if you qualify. There is free help from volunteers and free tax counseling for anyone 60 or older. If you are in the military, free help is also available to help you file on time. The IRS provides a listing of available services and relevant links and phone numbers.
Hire a Paid Professional
Purchase Software
Prepare the Return Online
Manually Prepare the Return
Get Nonprofit Tax Help