Recurrent Yeast Infections Can Easily Be Cured When You Stop the Yeast Mutating in Your Body
Five percent of women suffer form recurrent yeast infections at some point in their life.
Chronic Candia effects this many women because they have no idea how the fungus is infecting them.
The fungus starts out as the Candia yeast, and we all have that organism living in our body.
Chronic Candida infections are the result of your body allowing the yeast to mutate into an aggressive fungus that then goes on to feed on your body, and the food that you eat.
If you keep using the same treatment on your infections all you will do is create a drug resistant fungus that will be extremely difficult to eliminate from your body.
Your doctor won't be able to help you because they only prescribe you more anti fungal drugs.
Frequent yeast infections need to be treated from the root cause.
And the cause of your infections is, your body is allowing the Candida to mutate.
So you must stop the mutating before you can cure your infection.
Anti fungal drugs only kill the fungus, they don't prevent the mutating afterwards, only your body's natural defenses can prevent the mutating that is occurring.
Your immune system needs to be strong, and your intestinal flora needs to be re-balanced.
The bacteria in your body, and your immune system are what keep the yeast under control so it doesn't mutate.
Even healthy people have Candida in their body.
It is just kept under control so it doesn't start causing infections.
As soon as you strengthen your body's natural defenses then your recurrent yeast infections will stop.
Chronic Candia effects this many women because they have no idea how the fungus is infecting them.
The fungus starts out as the Candia yeast, and we all have that organism living in our body.
Chronic Candida infections are the result of your body allowing the yeast to mutate into an aggressive fungus that then goes on to feed on your body, and the food that you eat.
If you keep using the same treatment on your infections all you will do is create a drug resistant fungus that will be extremely difficult to eliminate from your body.
Your doctor won't be able to help you because they only prescribe you more anti fungal drugs.
Frequent yeast infections need to be treated from the root cause.
And the cause of your infections is, your body is allowing the Candida to mutate.
So you must stop the mutating before you can cure your infection.
Anti fungal drugs only kill the fungus, they don't prevent the mutating afterwards, only your body's natural defenses can prevent the mutating that is occurring.
Your immune system needs to be strong, and your intestinal flora needs to be re-balanced.
The bacteria in your body, and your immune system are what keep the yeast under control so it doesn't mutate.
Even healthy people have Candida in their body.
It is just kept under control so it doesn't start causing infections.
As soon as you strengthen your body's natural defenses then your recurrent yeast infections will stop.