Solutions for Back Acne
- Applying cleanser to back acne can be difficult, as reaching the affected areas can be hard to do with the hands. Use a couple of simple tools: a back scratcher and a cotton pad. Use a cleanser or a soap that is formulated for sensitive skin types. Most commercial soaps can be too drying or irritating for the skin and may contain harsh ingredients and perfumes that can cause a skin reaction. Attach the cotton pad to the back scratcher using a rubber band, then lather the cotton pad with the cleanser. Wet the back and apply the lathered cleanser to the back using the back scratcher. Rinse well with water.
- Benzoyl peroxide is the most effective medicated treatment to clear acne but can be difficult to apply on back acne. Luckily, you can apply the cream easily using the same method as the cleanser. Make sure to use a new cotton pad to apply the benzoyl peroxide cream, which should be a 2.5% concentration. Using this concentration is important so that the benzoyl peroxide cream will be strong enough to clear the skin but light enough to avoid reactions, such as peeling, redness, or irritations. Squeeze about a quarter-sized amount on the cotton pad, and apply it to the back gently until it is completely absorbed.
- After using benzoyl peroxide on the skin of the back, it is important to moisturize the skin. This will allow the skin to become both clear and soft. Benzoyl peroxide can be too drying when used on it's own, so use an oil-free lotion that does not contain comedogenic ingredients or ingredients that might clog pores to keep the skin properly hydrated. Apply the lotion in the same manner as the cleanser and the medicated cream, making sure to be non-abrasive when applying it to the skin. Let the lotion soak in and absorb completely into the skin.
Applying Cleanser
Applying Benzoyl Peroxide
Applying Moisturizer