Learn and Earn
Every student needs to earn some extra money, but how do you find a job in this economy while studying? Internships, scholarships, fellowships, grants, and more are all available within government systems. They're there for your taking.
For the service of every government's many functions, qualified, highly educated civil servants.
Students from high school, all the way through doctorate level and even career professionals all have access to federal educational opportunities in the USA. This is because there is a huge need to staff agencies in the US government. Every federal bureaucracy has to continuously attract skilled professionals, people working towards their degrees, and those whom have already earned their degrees.
Many other nations have programs of the like. Wherever you may be, you can contact your state or federal employment offices over the internet, and discover great educational opportunities.
Some of the categories offered are…
Apprenticeships - These opportunities differ in length depending on agency; they offer a chance to learn and become qualified in a specific craft or trade, in addition to pay. Some of these programs are:
>NAVSEA Philadelphia Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP)
>NAVSEA West Bethesda Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP)
>Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
>U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Student Educational Employment Program Managers
Fellowships - Lasting anywhere between six weeks and several years, individuals have the chance to study and gain valuable knowledge into a specific area of study in an ideal environment for cutting-edge specialty training. Although there are many of these programs, here are a few examples…
>Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AF/SFFP)
>American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
>American Institute of Physics State Department Science Fellowship program
>American Planning Association (APA) Congressional Fellowships
>American Psychological Association Congressional Fellowship Program
>American Psychological Association William A. Bailey AIDS Policy Congressional Fellowship
>American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Minority Undergraduate Research Fellowship
>Association of Public Health Laboratories Emerging Infectious Disease Post-Doctoral Laboratory Research Fellowship Program
>Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) Public Health Fellowships
>Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Congressional Fellows Program
Cooperative Education - This program is beneficial for the student, educational institution, and Federal department or agency. With a mixture of classroom study and on-the-job training, students can obtain familiarity for upcoming employment opportunities, and service their nation, enhancing their student career.
>Cooperative Grants Program
>Global Change Education Program – Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)
>Laboratory Research Cooperative Program (LRCP)
>Naval Research Laboratory Student Volunteers
>Short-Term Analytical Services (STAS)
>United State Secret Service, Stay in School Program
Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy Grants - Funds are provided on an individual, group of individuals, or organizational basis by these fellowships and grants, and are usually for certain projects. Fiscal grants and given to aide in education, or research and development projects funding. Certain grant awards do not have to be repaid.
>Collaborative Research Grants, National Endowment for the Humanities
>Department of Education DC Choice Incentive Program
>Department of Education Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program
>Department of Education Early Reading First
>Department of Education Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs
>Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education – US Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program
>Department of Education Improving Literacy through School Libraries Program
Internships - Students obtain planned learning goals, with an observed or managed work or service experience, and reflect on what is being learned throughout the experience, including academic education, career progress, skill development, and personal growth.
>American Advantage Capital Scholars Program
>American University American Indian Program – Washington Internships for Native Students (WINS) – Summer Program
>Arizona, City of Phoenix
>Association of Schools of Public Health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASPH/CDC/ATSDR) Internship Program
>Association of Schools of Public Health Reports Internship
>Brookhaven National Laboratory International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Internship
Scholarships - For those who have demonstrated high academic success, scholarships are awarded, providing funds to help further their education in a field of study. Up to four years of scholarships may be awarded to an individual.
>Babcock Graduate School of Management
>Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
>Central Intelligence Agency Undergraduate Scholar Program
>Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Programs
>Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service
>Henry Alfred Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations Program at Library of Congress
>The Jeffrey D. Rubenstein College of Criminal Justice
An emphasis in fairness in regards to hiring practices, and awarding scholarships, internships, and other education opportunities is practiced by governments worldwide. If you explore every opportunity, you are highly likely to receive the financial support you need to continue your education.
For information on going back to school and accomplishing your degree online, visit: http://www.getdegreed.com
All articles: By The GetDegreed Staff.
For the service of every government's many functions, qualified, highly educated civil servants.
Students from high school, all the way through doctorate level and even career professionals all have access to federal educational opportunities in the USA. This is because there is a huge need to staff agencies in the US government. Every federal bureaucracy has to continuously attract skilled professionals, people working towards their degrees, and those whom have already earned their degrees.
Many other nations have programs of the like. Wherever you may be, you can contact your state or federal employment offices over the internet, and discover great educational opportunities.
Some of the categories offered are…
Apprenticeships - These opportunities differ in length depending on agency; they offer a chance to learn and become qualified in a specific craft or trade, in addition to pay. Some of these programs are:
>NAVSEA Philadelphia Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP)
>NAVSEA West Bethesda Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP)
>Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
>U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Student Educational Employment Program Managers
Fellowships - Lasting anywhere between six weeks and several years, individuals have the chance to study and gain valuable knowledge into a specific area of study in an ideal environment for cutting-edge specialty training. Although there are many of these programs, here are a few examples…
>Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AF/SFFP)
>American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
>American Institute of Physics State Department Science Fellowship program
>American Planning Association (APA) Congressional Fellowships
>American Psychological Association Congressional Fellowship Program
>American Psychological Association William A. Bailey AIDS Policy Congressional Fellowship
>American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Minority Undergraduate Research Fellowship
>Association of Public Health Laboratories Emerging Infectious Disease Post-Doctoral Laboratory Research Fellowship Program
>Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) Public Health Fellowships
>Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Congressional Fellows Program
Cooperative Education - This program is beneficial for the student, educational institution, and Federal department or agency. With a mixture of classroom study and on-the-job training, students can obtain familiarity for upcoming employment opportunities, and service their nation, enhancing their student career.
>Cooperative Grants Program
>Global Change Education Program – Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)
>Laboratory Research Cooperative Program (LRCP)
>Naval Research Laboratory Student Volunteers
>Short-Term Analytical Services (STAS)
>United State Secret Service, Stay in School Program
Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy Grants - Funds are provided on an individual, group of individuals, or organizational basis by these fellowships and grants, and are usually for certain projects. Fiscal grants and given to aide in education, or research and development projects funding. Certain grant awards do not have to be repaid.
>Collaborative Research Grants, National Endowment for the Humanities
>Department of Education DC Choice Incentive Program
>Department of Education Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program
>Department of Education Early Reading First
>Department of Education Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs
>Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education – US Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program
>Department of Education Improving Literacy through School Libraries Program
Internships - Students obtain planned learning goals, with an observed or managed work or service experience, and reflect on what is being learned throughout the experience, including academic education, career progress, skill development, and personal growth.
>American Advantage Capital Scholars Program
>American University American Indian Program – Washington Internships for Native Students (WINS) – Summer Program
>Arizona, City of Phoenix
>Association of Schools of Public Health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASPH/CDC/ATSDR) Internship Program
>Association of Schools of Public Health Reports Internship
>Brookhaven National Laboratory International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Internship
Scholarships - For those who have demonstrated high academic success, scholarships are awarded, providing funds to help further their education in a field of study. Up to four years of scholarships may be awarded to an individual.
>Babcock Graduate School of Management
>Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
>Central Intelligence Agency Undergraduate Scholar Program
>Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Programs
>Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service
>Henry Alfred Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations Program at Library of Congress
>The Jeffrey D. Rubenstein College of Criminal Justice
An emphasis in fairness in regards to hiring practices, and awarding scholarships, internships, and other education opportunities is practiced by governments worldwide. If you explore every opportunity, you are highly likely to receive the financial support you need to continue your education.
For information on going back to school and accomplishing your degree online, visit: http://www.getdegreed.com
All articles: By The GetDegreed Staff.