How to Rapidly Write Articles That Convert Like Crazy Almost Every Time (My Personal Techniques)
Who else wants to know how to rapidly write articles that convert like wildfire and don't take a ton of time, effort or energy to produce? If you are an article marketer and are banking on making some bucks on your content, you already understand the need for expediting your process, right? Its' true...
and never let anyone tell you any differently, the true key to creating a big buck bank account from article marketing is a combination of speed and quantity, and i you aren't generating much of either...
your chances of cashing in are not going to be great.
So what are the techniques I recommend and why should you listen to me anyway? Well, the simple truth is that I write anywhere from 10-20 articles a day, supervise the creation and syndication of far more and still manage to watch at least 3 or 4 hours of Judge Joe Brown re-runs before dinner and I get up late.
The key is, in my view, to have two templates that you can use and reference for rapid fire content creation.
Title and Idea Templates Power Word List Templates Once you combine these two boilerplate approaches to expeditious content creation, you can literally enter a new niche, and be creating copious amounts of killer content straight out of the gate, even when you don't yet know everything there is to know about your topic.
For example - a good list of "sexy" adjectives or action words that you can simply plug into an article title that pique reader interest will stay consistent niche to niche.
So too will title templates like " How to Do X, Without Doing Y".
So when you combine both of these elements, you have interchangeable article marketing templates that can be re purposed fast, can be scaled across multiple niches and are pretty uniformly effective across the board to boot.
And in an industry where working smarter often pays far higher dividends than working harder, this is one tips guaranteed to give you a boost, I promise!
and never let anyone tell you any differently, the true key to creating a big buck bank account from article marketing is a combination of speed and quantity, and i you aren't generating much of either...
your chances of cashing in are not going to be great.
So what are the techniques I recommend and why should you listen to me anyway? Well, the simple truth is that I write anywhere from 10-20 articles a day, supervise the creation and syndication of far more and still manage to watch at least 3 or 4 hours of Judge Joe Brown re-runs before dinner and I get up late.
The key is, in my view, to have two templates that you can use and reference for rapid fire content creation.
Title and Idea Templates Power Word List Templates Once you combine these two boilerplate approaches to expeditious content creation, you can literally enter a new niche, and be creating copious amounts of killer content straight out of the gate, even when you don't yet know everything there is to know about your topic.
For example - a good list of "sexy" adjectives or action words that you can simply plug into an article title that pique reader interest will stay consistent niche to niche.
So too will title templates like " How to Do X, Without Doing Y".
So when you combine both of these elements, you have interchangeable article marketing templates that can be re purposed fast, can be scaled across multiple niches and are pretty uniformly effective across the board to boot.
And in an industry where working smarter often pays far higher dividends than working harder, this is one tips guaranteed to give you a boost, I promise!