Do I Have to Be Skinny to Attract the Man of My Dreams?
There is a common misconception especially with the younger generation of women that you have to be super skinny to land that dream guy.
Do you honestly think all men want a skinny girl? Or do you think that women with a few extra pounds have no chance of attracting the guy of there dreams? Well I am here to tell you that those questions and beliefs are utter rubbish.
In this article I will discuss why.
I will be the first to admit that over recent years society as a whole has shown a common interest in thin women.
This is to be expected with television shows and the media throwing in your face celebrities that appear to be perfect in every conceivable way.
Models for example such as Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are well known worldwide for there modelling stunts, but there is a common misconception that they are famous for there looks which is obviously not the case.
Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful women but you have to remember they are models, they model clothes so it makes common sense that they maybe thin as there is a misconception that clothes only look good on thin women.
If you go on the street to day and ask the majority of men what there ideal women is I can assure you 9 times out of 10 that it wont be a skinny women.
In fact a lot of men prefer there women to have a bit more shape that those kate moss and Naomi shaped bodies.
If you find you have a few extra pounds on your body then don't worry about it, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
You may think that you will find it hard to get the man of your dreams, but the truth is your closer than you think, so long as you accept who you are.
If you feel your weight is effecting your health then of course you should lose weight for your own benefit, but if you are truly happy with your weight and there is no health concern then why change it in the hope of only attracting the guy you desire? If you ask men physically what attracts them to a woman first the majority will say the face, everything else is gravy.
By maintaining proper grooming and being confident you have just as much chance as any other woman on the planet, fact! The fact of the matter is that to appeal to a guy you will need to work on a combination of factors.
By working on your self believe and looking after yourself any man worth his salt will see you for what you truly are.
Beautiful inside and out.
You do not have to be skinny to get what you want, the sooner you realise that and become confident in yourself the sooner you will enjoy life a whole lot more!
Do you honestly think all men want a skinny girl? Or do you think that women with a few extra pounds have no chance of attracting the guy of there dreams? Well I am here to tell you that those questions and beliefs are utter rubbish.
In this article I will discuss why.
I will be the first to admit that over recent years society as a whole has shown a common interest in thin women.
This is to be expected with television shows and the media throwing in your face celebrities that appear to be perfect in every conceivable way.
Models for example such as Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are well known worldwide for there modelling stunts, but there is a common misconception that they are famous for there looks which is obviously not the case.
Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful women but you have to remember they are models, they model clothes so it makes common sense that they maybe thin as there is a misconception that clothes only look good on thin women.
If you go on the street to day and ask the majority of men what there ideal women is I can assure you 9 times out of 10 that it wont be a skinny women.
In fact a lot of men prefer there women to have a bit more shape that those kate moss and Naomi shaped bodies.
If you find you have a few extra pounds on your body then don't worry about it, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
You may think that you will find it hard to get the man of your dreams, but the truth is your closer than you think, so long as you accept who you are.
If you feel your weight is effecting your health then of course you should lose weight for your own benefit, but if you are truly happy with your weight and there is no health concern then why change it in the hope of only attracting the guy you desire? If you ask men physically what attracts them to a woman first the majority will say the face, everything else is gravy.
By maintaining proper grooming and being confident you have just as much chance as any other woman on the planet, fact! The fact of the matter is that to appeal to a guy you will need to work on a combination of factors.
By working on your self believe and looking after yourself any man worth his salt will see you for what you truly are.
Beautiful inside and out.
You do not have to be skinny to get what you want, the sooner you realise that and become confident in yourself the sooner you will enjoy life a whole lot more!