DIY Hydrogen for Cars
- Bob Boyce's plans have been made public, and his system is very efficient. Starting with dozens of 6 inch by 6 inch plates of 316L stainless steel, and a fabricated plastic container, this seems to be the most complete set of plans for high-performance hydrogen generation around. For complete plans visit , and look around.
- As explained in the plans, ordinary stainless steel corrodes rapidly, so 316L stainless is called for. 316L is low in carbon and stands up to the electrolite used. One source for stainless is They will cut to your size requirements, and have 316L in stock.
For the Lexan plastic needed you can find a supplier near you at
When using these materials, follow the directions exactly. Use of these materials has been determined through trial and error. - These plans have been replicated by dozens of experimenters, and the electronics are available fully assembled. If you decide to build your own, stick to Bob Boyce's plans and resources.
- Men like Stan Meyer and Bob Boyce are at the forefront of this research. Their research, as well as Boyce's plans, are readily available on the internet. Though the plans are experimental, large gains in mileage already have been realized.
In the case of Stan Meyer's experiments, they are quite a bit more difficult to follow. Meyer constructed a system that ran an engine solely off of hydrogen generated on board.