Candidiasis and Diabetes - Poor Health Leading to Obesity
Someone I just met told me that she had suffered with severe candidiasis for more than 20 years.
Her hypoglycemic has turned into diabetes, and every drug has been given to her for it, including two kinds of insulin, which make her blood sugar go higher.
When she started the process last August, fasting blood sugar was 210-240.
Now, she cannot get it below 300.
She is not eating anything bad.
Knowing that the yeast lives off glucose, it is hard for her to believe that it is totally coincidental that her body is now flooded with it.
She wants to get some advices for combating with the yeasts.
Candida is not the cause of the epidemic of obesity and diabetes in America, any more than obesity is the cause of poor health.
Candida, obesity, and diabetes are equally devastating symptoms of greed-driven agribusiness and poorly-derived medical conclusions about nutrition and health.
It's difficult enough to get people over the idea that carbs are wonderful and meats and fats will kill them.
You will get loads of information on this page to help you develop an anti-candida regimen for yourself.
When it starts improving your health, it will be interesting to see what excuses your doctors have for the change and how much they try to take credit for the success! I also have a book by Joan Ifland titled "Sugars and Flours: How They Make Us Crazy, Sick, and Fat and What to Do about It".
You will get some good information from it, as this woman has done tons of research.
Her hypoglycemic has turned into diabetes, and every drug has been given to her for it, including two kinds of insulin, which make her blood sugar go higher.
When she started the process last August, fasting blood sugar was 210-240.
Now, she cannot get it below 300.
She is not eating anything bad.
Knowing that the yeast lives off glucose, it is hard for her to believe that it is totally coincidental that her body is now flooded with it.
She wants to get some advices for combating with the yeasts.
Candida is not the cause of the epidemic of obesity and diabetes in America, any more than obesity is the cause of poor health.
Candida, obesity, and diabetes are equally devastating symptoms of greed-driven agribusiness and poorly-derived medical conclusions about nutrition and health.
It's difficult enough to get people over the idea that carbs are wonderful and meats and fats will kill them.
You will get loads of information on this page to help you develop an anti-candida regimen for yourself.
When it starts improving your health, it will be interesting to see what excuses your doctors have for the change and how much they try to take credit for the success! I also have a book by Joan Ifland titled "Sugars and Flours: How They Make Us Crazy, Sick, and Fat and What to Do about It".
You will get some good information from it, as this woman has done tons of research.