How to Use Excel's Info Function
- 1). Get precise information about the cell you're working in using the "CELL" function such as color and width. Format the INFO request for color as "=CELL(info_type, color)" and hit "Enter" to retrieve detailed cell color information. Additional commands include "Row," "Address" and "Content."
- 2). Retrieve Excel information related to the computer, such as how much memory it is using. To find the memory used type "=INFO("memused")" into any open cell and the result will be displayed. "Memavail," "Osversion" and "Directory" are a few of the other INFO options.
- 3). Use INFO options to quickly reference information about a formula error with the "IF" command. When the formula displays "#DIV/0!" in cell "A1" type "=IF(ERROR.TYPE(A1)=" and the error number code and text definition is returned, in this case "=IF(ERROR.TYPE(A1)=2,"You can't divide by zero!")" is reported and it is clear you can't divide by zero in a formula. This is a much better explanation of the error than provided by the general Excel assistant.
- 4). Practice the INFO function to quickly reference information about the worksheet without needing to open menus and wizards. Knowing these functions saves you time and gives you a leg up on the workload.