Fun Astronomy Games for a Star Party
- An astronomy party can be both enjoyable and educational.mathematical galaxy image by Alexander Potapov from
Astronomy, the study of the stars and planets in the galaxy, can double as a whimsical and fun party theme that's educational, as well. The ideal astronomy party will send guests home entertained and having learned something new. Hold your party at night, so guests can enjoy views of the real constellations in addition to those you re-create as decorations. This party idea is appropriate for both children and adults. - Use light reflective star stickers or Christmas lights and maps of constellations to create a fascinating guessing game. Re-create simple or complex constellations, such as Orion's Belt, on the walls and ceilings of the party venue. Each person who successfully names a constellation wins a prize. If there's a tie, have some astronomy trivia on hand as a tie breaker. Ask questions such as, "Is the sun a star or a planet?"
- Paint several stones or rocks with a silver, shimmery paint. Set up a ring toss outside by molding rings of various sizes out of tinfoil and placing them on the ground. Have the party goers stand back several feet and see how many of the rings they can toss their "moon rock" into. Determine points based on distance and how small or large the rings are. Calculate total points scored to declare the winner.
- Use the names of different galaxies, stars, planets and constellations to create a word scramble or word search. A word scramble is a game where the letters of each word are written out of order and the player must figure out what the correct word is. You can offer clues for each word to make it easier. A word search is a game where the player receive a list of words and a box filled with letters. The player must locate all of the words on his list within the box. Have the players place all entries into a large jar or box. The owner of the first correct puzzle pulled from the box by the host wins a prize.
Name That Constellation
Moon Rock Toss
Galaxy Scramble