Should US Citizens Limit Their Oil Usage So All People Globally Get Their Fair Share?
Many have stated that the United States uses more than its fair share of the world's oil supply.
I say so what, we are paying for it.
If other nations who have the oil don't want to sell it to us, then go ahead sell it to someone else for a lower price, or use it internally, but don't complain about it.
The reality is that oil exporting nations selling to the USA are not complaining, so why are others? That's a good question, one I'd like to address.
But first there is an interesting book you might want to read to hear the opposing viewpoint; "Humans: An Endangered Species - The Only Solution" by Jason G.
Brent, Self-Published, Las Vegas, NV, 2012, 121 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9854129-6.
The author states; "Americans must understand that the rest of humanity has the same per capita right to oil usage as the citizens of the USA.
Not only must Americans realize that fact, but also every person living in every industrialized country must realize that the people of China and India will demand and get the right to use oil at the same per capita level.
Americans must be prepared to immediately reduce their standard of living, or face the deaths of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
" Interestingly enough, I highly disagree; first, the author states that Americans "must" which I find absolute nonsense.
Americans don't have to do anything, and if we have the money to buy the oil, then we should, and if others can afford it, then thank you Abbott.
Every natural resource, product, or service is subject to the same conditions of the free market, if we are to have global trade it isn't a matter of "fair share" rather, it is a matter of free market economics, and the country or citizens of those countries who can afford the oil will get the oil.
Americans are under no obligation whatsoever to share our oil supply, or the oil supply we are able to procure with anyone.
If they can afford that oil, they will have to use their minds, creative genius, and innovative mental capacity to find other ways.
That's what's been done before, and that's the way it's going to be.
Likewise if the price of oil gets to be too high, that Americans themselves will find other methods to power our vehicles, aircraft, trucks, and SUVs.
Already, we are seeing people converting their engines to run on natural gas, perhaps in the future with new materials they may run those cars on hydrogen, or perhaps although inefficient due to energy transfer laws of physics, perhaps on batteries and on electricity.
Electricity my come from nuclear power, natural gas, hydro-power, or some other method of energy generation such as solar, ocean wave energy, or what have you.
For anyone to say that Americans "must" do anything, obviously doesn't understand what the United States of America is about, or how the free market works.
Please consider all this and think on it.
I say so what, we are paying for it.
If other nations who have the oil don't want to sell it to us, then go ahead sell it to someone else for a lower price, or use it internally, but don't complain about it.
The reality is that oil exporting nations selling to the USA are not complaining, so why are others? That's a good question, one I'd like to address.
But first there is an interesting book you might want to read to hear the opposing viewpoint; "Humans: An Endangered Species - The Only Solution" by Jason G.
Brent, Self-Published, Las Vegas, NV, 2012, 121 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9854129-6.
The author states; "Americans must understand that the rest of humanity has the same per capita right to oil usage as the citizens of the USA.
Not only must Americans realize that fact, but also every person living in every industrialized country must realize that the people of China and India will demand and get the right to use oil at the same per capita level.
Americans must be prepared to immediately reduce their standard of living, or face the deaths of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
" Interestingly enough, I highly disagree; first, the author states that Americans "must" which I find absolute nonsense.
Americans don't have to do anything, and if we have the money to buy the oil, then we should, and if others can afford it, then thank you Abbott.
Every natural resource, product, or service is subject to the same conditions of the free market, if we are to have global trade it isn't a matter of "fair share" rather, it is a matter of free market economics, and the country or citizens of those countries who can afford the oil will get the oil.
Americans are under no obligation whatsoever to share our oil supply, or the oil supply we are able to procure with anyone.
If they can afford that oil, they will have to use their minds, creative genius, and innovative mental capacity to find other ways.
That's what's been done before, and that's the way it's going to be.
Likewise if the price of oil gets to be too high, that Americans themselves will find other methods to power our vehicles, aircraft, trucks, and SUVs.
Already, we are seeing people converting their engines to run on natural gas, perhaps in the future with new materials they may run those cars on hydrogen, or perhaps although inefficient due to energy transfer laws of physics, perhaps on batteries and on electricity.
Electricity my come from nuclear power, natural gas, hydro-power, or some other method of energy generation such as solar, ocean wave energy, or what have you.
For anyone to say that Americans "must" do anything, obviously doesn't understand what the United States of America is about, or how the free market works.
Please consider all this and think on it.