How to Send a Wake On LAN Packet
- 1). Boot up the computer that is the target of the magic packet. Ensure the PC is connected to a local network and open the "Command Prompt" application. Type "ipconfig/all" into the Command Prompt and hit "Enter." Scroll to the text labeled "Physical Address" or "MAC Address." This is the computer's designated address on the current network. Write down this address. Power off the target PC.
- 2). Install a magic packet application on a computer other than the previous PC. A few free magic packet applications are included in the Resources.
- 3). Connect the sending PC to the local network housing the target PC. Run the magic packet application. Select the text field near the "MAC Address" or "Physical Address" option, depending on the application used. Type the target computer's MAC or physical address.
- 4). Press the "Send" or "OK" button to send the magic packet to the typed-out address. The target computer boots once the magic packet is received.