Natural Treatment for Tinnitus and and My Search for Help
An effective natural treatment for tinnitus is within your reach.
A natural, holistic method is the only route to a possible cure for you.
I know this to be true and I'd like to share my story.
I've been a musician most of my life and for many years played bass guitar in many rock bands.
Have you been to a concert and your ears rang afterwards and maybe even the next day? That is what I experienced but the ringing always lessened and went away after a few hours.
Then about 15 years ago it became stubborn about leaving.
I had trouble sleeping after playing a job for a few nights afterwards.
Then it got worse.
The ringing in my ears didn't go away and became louder and harder to ignore.
The next thing I knew I had very few nights of sound sleep and the daytime wasn't much better.
I had tinnitus.
I went to the doctor and tried different prescription drugs, anti-anxiety drugs, special diets, muscle relaxers, vitamin and herbal supplements and was even told that surgery could be in my future.
I immersed myself into learning everything I could about this condition and found out that most of the treatments mentioned above along with sound maskers and laser treatments didn't work.
They might have temporary benefits but they certainly weren't a cure.
I wanted a cure for tinnitus.
My search ended with the knowledge that I needed a natural treatment for tinnitus.
I found that natural remedies are helpful but not enough by themselves.
The secret is in how these holistic remedies are combined.
I discovered that certain foods must be avoided while other foods could help alleviate the condition.
Yes herbs and vitamin supplements are critical but you must take the right combination of supplements and those that are targeted to relax the auditory system.
I discovered how my levels of stress, anxiety and depression affect tinnitus and how to rid myself of these symptoms permanently.
Learning about the importance of physical activity and exercise was important but knowing the when, how and where of this activity was critical.
I felt that I needed a specific plan in order to come to grips with my ear noises.
I found out how yoga, breathing exercises and meditation all combined to relieve tinnitus.
I knew these were all positive things to do but lacked knowledge of how to incorporate them into my daily life.
The bottom line is that there are many treatments for tinnitus which can give temporary hope but what worked for me was a natural treatment for tinnitus.
A natural, holistic method is the only route to a possible cure for you.
I know this to be true and I'd like to share my story.
I've been a musician most of my life and for many years played bass guitar in many rock bands.
Have you been to a concert and your ears rang afterwards and maybe even the next day? That is what I experienced but the ringing always lessened and went away after a few hours.
Then about 15 years ago it became stubborn about leaving.
I had trouble sleeping after playing a job for a few nights afterwards.
Then it got worse.
The ringing in my ears didn't go away and became louder and harder to ignore.
The next thing I knew I had very few nights of sound sleep and the daytime wasn't much better.
I had tinnitus.
I went to the doctor and tried different prescription drugs, anti-anxiety drugs, special diets, muscle relaxers, vitamin and herbal supplements and was even told that surgery could be in my future.
I immersed myself into learning everything I could about this condition and found out that most of the treatments mentioned above along with sound maskers and laser treatments didn't work.
They might have temporary benefits but they certainly weren't a cure.
I wanted a cure for tinnitus.
My search ended with the knowledge that I needed a natural treatment for tinnitus.
I found that natural remedies are helpful but not enough by themselves.
The secret is in how these holistic remedies are combined.
I discovered that certain foods must be avoided while other foods could help alleviate the condition.
Yes herbs and vitamin supplements are critical but you must take the right combination of supplements and those that are targeted to relax the auditory system.
I discovered how my levels of stress, anxiety and depression affect tinnitus and how to rid myself of these symptoms permanently.
Learning about the importance of physical activity and exercise was important but knowing the when, how and where of this activity was critical.
I felt that I needed a specific plan in order to come to grips with my ear noises.
I found out how yoga, breathing exercises and meditation all combined to relieve tinnitus.
I knew these were all positive things to do but lacked knowledge of how to incorporate them into my daily life.
The bottom line is that there are many treatments for tinnitus which can give temporary hope but what worked for me was a natural treatment for tinnitus.