Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR)
Near infrared reflectance or NIR, is one of the most valuable technologies being integrated into modern medicine and sciences as of today? NIR technology allows for painless and non-invasive brain examinations. It examines the brain through the detection of the minute changes in the amount of hemoglobin inside. As of now, it is being used as an alternative method of scanning in some cases where a patient cannot be scanned with MRI or magnetic resonance imaging.
Advantageous and edgier than the MRI, NIR is only meant to compliment the former as it can only scan cortical tissues, thus making it impossible to scan all parts and aspects of the human brain and activities. With that, we can say that MRI and NIR go hand in hand in providing information about the human brain activities.
NIR is a rapid and clean method which answers and meets the demands of today's manufacturers for real time quality control and process control data. NON contact NIR measurements systems can be used if the product is in motion and is accessible. Even with the distance from a millimeter to thirty centimeters, accurate results are still delivered.
A NIR spectrometer uses the principles of dispersive NIR in order to give information regarding the levels of oxygen and blood volume in the brain. With that, experts can used this generated data in order to detect other problems in the brain area connected with the blood circulation. This data can also be of help to drug manufacturers in creating more effective drugs that can boost and enhance the activities and the performance of the human brain.
The FOSS NIR technology, rooted from its founders, is not only used on infants and children. It is also used on patients who recently went under a heart operation. This technology can detect not just the hemoglobin levels. It also assesses the heart output and oxygen concentration in order to determine the success of the heart surgery.
As of today, the operation of the NIR should lie in the hands of an expert and has enough knowledge about the equipment involved. That is why there have been a lot of companies rising offering trainings with regards to the operations of NIR and FOSS XDS.
Advantageous and edgier than the MRI, NIR is only meant to compliment the former as it can only scan cortical tissues, thus making it impossible to scan all parts and aspects of the human brain and activities. With that, we can say that MRI and NIR go hand in hand in providing information about the human brain activities.
NIR is a rapid and clean method which answers and meets the demands of today's manufacturers for real time quality control and process control data. NON contact NIR measurements systems can be used if the product is in motion and is accessible. Even with the distance from a millimeter to thirty centimeters, accurate results are still delivered.
A NIR spectrometer uses the principles of dispersive NIR in order to give information regarding the levels of oxygen and blood volume in the brain. With that, experts can used this generated data in order to detect other problems in the brain area connected with the blood circulation. This data can also be of help to drug manufacturers in creating more effective drugs that can boost and enhance the activities and the performance of the human brain.
The FOSS NIR technology, rooted from its founders, is not only used on infants and children. It is also used on patients who recently went under a heart operation. This technology can detect not just the hemoglobin levels. It also assesses the heart output and oxygen concentration in order to determine the success of the heart surgery.
As of today, the operation of the NIR should lie in the hands of an expert and has enough knowledge about the equipment involved. That is why there have been a lot of companies rising offering trainings with regards to the operations of NIR and FOSS XDS.