New Jersey Notary Rules
- Notary Publics can be private individuals or bank employees, or even lawyers. But their fees are set by statute, and some, like bank employees, may even waive their fees if you are an account holder. Notary Publics charge a flat fee for notarizing each single document. If you come across a Notary Public requesting additional costs, note her name, Notary license number and location, and then check with the Department of Consumer affairs. You are not normally required to pay additional fees for a Notary's services.
- The Notary Public witnesses your signature and the signature of any other persons needed to satisfy the requirements of a particular document. You must present proof of your identification, such as a drivers license, or valid student ID card. If someone is accompanying you, make certain they too, have brought proper ID. A Notary Public is required by law to request proper identification of any person whose signature he is attesting. He cannot take your word with respect to who you, or, anyone else is.
- A notary public can refuse to notarize a particular document if she thinks the document is not legal, or will be deficient in some way even after notarization. Since the Notary is a trained and licensed professional, it's good practice to respect her judgment. If a Notary points out a problem with the document, that advice may prevent legal troubles down the road.
- A Notary Public's Seal is his signature. He may place only his seal and signature on a legal binding document. This seal and signature is an oath stating that the Notary Public properly identified and witnessed the signature of the parties who signed the document. This seal validates the signatures on the document and can be used in a court of law, if necessary. The Notary's job is to merely attest to the signatures on the document, and is not permitted to advise on the contents of the document.
- The notarized document must be recorded in a separate log book maintained by every Notary Public. In this book the Notary records the time, date and the persons involved in the signing of the document. All document signers will be required to sign the log.
Forms of Identification
Sign the Book