How Garlic Can Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
In recent years, garlic has gained attention in scientific research as a method you can use to lower blood pressure naturally.
Recent research has given credence to garlic's use in not only reducing hypertension, but also in lowering high cholesterol levels and providing protection against various forms of the flu.
Some research has theorized that this is due to how members of the allium family, which includes garlic and onions, affect blood chemistry when they are ingested.
Garlic acts as a natural blood thinner, inhibiting abnormal blood clotting through affecting the platelets in the blood.
Garlic prevents those platelets from binding up, helping to reduce blood pressure, stroke, and thrombosis.
Garlic also increases the production of nitric oxide in the body, which relaxes the walls of blood vessels.
By being less constricted, blood pressure drops because it has a wider pipe to flow through.
Garlic, one of the most potent food seasonings known, can be easily incorporated into the diet because it works so well in so many different dishes.
It can be roasted until it becomes sweet and spreadable, it can be added to soups, stews, and stir fries, and, in its powdered form, can be used in a thousand other ways.
Although you can get garlic ice cream in some areas, most people may find that a little bit extreme.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of treating your hypertension with natural methods like garlic is the ability to avoid the high cost and unwelcome side effects normally associated with standard hypertension medications.
Recent research has given credence to garlic's use in not only reducing hypertension, but also in lowering high cholesterol levels and providing protection against various forms of the flu.
Some research has theorized that this is due to how members of the allium family, which includes garlic and onions, affect blood chemistry when they are ingested.
Garlic acts as a natural blood thinner, inhibiting abnormal blood clotting through affecting the platelets in the blood.
Garlic prevents those platelets from binding up, helping to reduce blood pressure, stroke, and thrombosis.
Garlic also increases the production of nitric oxide in the body, which relaxes the walls of blood vessels.
By being less constricted, blood pressure drops because it has a wider pipe to flow through.
Garlic, one of the most potent food seasonings known, can be easily incorporated into the diet because it works so well in so many different dishes.
It can be roasted until it becomes sweet and spreadable, it can be added to soups, stews, and stir fries, and, in its powdered form, can be used in a thousand other ways.
Although you can get garlic ice cream in some areas, most people may find that a little bit extreme.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of treating your hypertension with natural methods like garlic is the ability to avoid the high cost and unwelcome side effects normally associated with standard hypertension medications.