The Real Secret To Quickly Getting More People To Subscribe To Your List
Squeeze pages are used as an informative place for the customers regarding the product they view that is meant to motivate them towards buying that item being promoted. Eventually and now at a very fast rate the squeeze pages that were in text formats are being recreated and the new ones are being created in the video format. These are the video squeeze pages. It has been statistically shown that video squeeze pages have greater convertibility and for this reason it is becoming more and more popular in internet marketing world.
A few points can be followed and engraved in our minds while creating a video squeeze page. These points have been discussed in the following section.
First and foremost even before the video is put to buffer, what the visitor would look at is the title or the headline. This should hit the minds of the viewers hard. Very importantly they should be instantly captivated by it and the chord of human curiosity should be strummed. Along with this, a fascinating font and an attractive yet soothing color of the font should work in your favor. That you have grabbed their attention, you have been successful in leading them to check your website out.
People love receiving gifts for free. And free gifts mostly increase their level of commitment or dedication. It somehow compels the receiver to do something in return. Making use of this strategy, once the video is on buffer, you could urge the visitors to fill in the opt-in form given below with their details- name, email id, address etc. and in return promise them something as a thank you gift. This would compel most viewers to finish filling the form as well as view the video. Along with that it would give them the thrust towards extra motivation to get convinced to buy the product, while viewing the video.
The content of the video is also an important matter of concern. The video first should be very organized and precise. It shouldnt beat around the bush. Make you point clear. Point out the benefits in purchasing the particular product concisely and emphatically. Talk about important testimonials.
You could also include texts in your video. But dont make it too long and stretchy. It should not push the viewer to the border of boredom. It should sound meaningful too. You could also try to hit the emotional button of the viewer and empathize with them and their problems and then explain how the product will pull them out of their misery.
Direct your viewer to fill in the opt-in form after viewing the video. These opt-in forms would help you in list building from where you would be able to reach out to them again and again in the future with more products and new offers on a weekly or monthly basis. This solves the problem of your having to wait for your customer to visit your page again. You can easily lure them to your website with this mechanism.
A few points can be followed and engraved in our minds while creating a video squeeze page. These points have been discussed in the following section.
First and foremost even before the video is put to buffer, what the visitor would look at is the title or the headline. This should hit the minds of the viewers hard. Very importantly they should be instantly captivated by it and the chord of human curiosity should be strummed. Along with this, a fascinating font and an attractive yet soothing color of the font should work in your favor. That you have grabbed their attention, you have been successful in leading them to check your website out.
People love receiving gifts for free. And free gifts mostly increase their level of commitment or dedication. It somehow compels the receiver to do something in return. Making use of this strategy, once the video is on buffer, you could urge the visitors to fill in the opt-in form given below with their details- name, email id, address etc. and in return promise them something as a thank you gift. This would compel most viewers to finish filling the form as well as view the video. Along with that it would give them the thrust towards extra motivation to get convinced to buy the product, while viewing the video.
The content of the video is also an important matter of concern. The video first should be very organized and precise. It shouldnt beat around the bush. Make you point clear. Point out the benefits in purchasing the particular product concisely and emphatically. Talk about important testimonials.
You could also include texts in your video. But dont make it too long and stretchy. It should not push the viewer to the border of boredom. It should sound meaningful too. You could also try to hit the emotional button of the viewer and empathize with them and their problems and then explain how the product will pull them out of their misery.
Direct your viewer to fill in the opt-in form after viewing the video. These opt-in forms would help you in list building from where you would be able to reach out to them again and again in the future with more products and new offers on a weekly or monthly basis. This solves the problem of your having to wait for your customer to visit your page again. You can easily lure them to your website with this mechanism.