What is the File Extension, RDL?
- The association .RDL is identified as a MicroStation Redline File. It ranks average in popularity for being noticed and utilized by individuals in casual computer usage. The .RDL files should always be saved where the model file is for easy location.
- Bentley Systems Incorporated has taken control of the .RDL file extension. The file type is used to create reference attachments. These files are associated with the extensions of .DWG and .DGN as well. Although it may be a bit confusing, the files are used to do construction and plotting.
- The .RDL file name, when extended, is Report Definition Language File, and it falls into the category of documents. The functions of .RDL are increased and improved by Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or MIME, being used. MIME allows additional character sets, attachments of the nontext format and messages to have multiple parts included for versatility.
Use of the .RDL Extension
Company Association