Free Advertising Methods
The internet has opened new avenues for online advertising, and sites like eBay are now considered the vanguard of online sales and advertising. The truth is there are very few sites that are genuinely offering free advertising. If you are looking for a website where you can advertise your services and products for free, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your free advertising and find a website that genuinely offers free advertising.
Before you start searching for a website, make sure your advertisement is well written and ready to use. There might be no strict word limit for the advertisement, but it should be concise and meaningful. If you are promoting a website, do not insert more than 2 links to the site in the advertisement, most free advertising sites reject adverts that are nothing but a futile link building exercise.
Once you have a post/advertisement that you can use, the next step is looking for a site that can maximise your market penetration. The simplest way to look for a free advertising website is using search engines. For example, type in the keywords "free advertising websites" and Google will bring up a list of websites. But beware, most websites that claim they are free usually require users to pay a ‘membership fee' for using their services.
Once you have successfully short listed websites you want to place your advertisements with, make sure all your advertisements are placed in the most relevant category. Contrary to popular belief, placing your ad in every possible category will not increase your market penetration, but it could result in the website blacklisting your profile as a spammer. However, what is equally true is that you should advertise with as many free websites as possible, there is no harm in trying to increase your website's popularity but you shouldn't try and use advertising websites for link building purposes.
In addition, try using a website that has more than just free advertising, there are a few forum based websites where buyers can assign ratings to the advertiser, and advertisers can post more than just advertisements. Once such website, has become immensely popular with advertisers and buyers alike. Forum based advertising sites are a great way to not just advertise your products, but also have buyers validate your claims. Whenever a buyer vouches for your services or products it strengthens your market standing and validates your product quality. In addition, forum based advertising sites follow a human edited classification system, apart from the standard categories; registered users can create new categories thereby allowing niche advertising.
In essence, your primary task should be finding a site that is actually free and then placing your advertisements in the most relevant section/community. It is also a good idea to look for websites where your services and products can be rated by other users, as this will help improve your market creditability and create a loyal customer base.
Before you start searching for a website, make sure your advertisement is well written and ready to use. There might be no strict word limit for the advertisement, but it should be concise and meaningful. If you are promoting a website, do not insert more than 2 links to the site in the advertisement, most free advertising sites reject adverts that are nothing but a futile link building exercise.
Once you have a post/advertisement that you can use, the next step is looking for a site that can maximise your market penetration. The simplest way to look for a free advertising website is using search engines. For example, type in the keywords "free advertising websites" and Google will bring up a list of websites. But beware, most websites that claim they are free usually require users to pay a ‘membership fee' for using their services.
Once you have successfully short listed websites you want to place your advertisements with, make sure all your advertisements are placed in the most relevant category. Contrary to popular belief, placing your ad in every possible category will not increase your market penetration, but it could result in the website blacklisting your profile as a spammer. However, what is equally true is that you should advertise with as many free websites as possible, there is no harm in trying to increase your website's popularity but you shouldn't try and use advertising websites for link building purposes.
In addition, try using a website that has more than just free advertising, there are a few forum based websites where buyers can assign ratings to the advertiser, and advertisers can post more than just advertisements. Once such website, has become immensely popular with advertisers and buyers alike. Forum based advertising sites are a great way to not just advertise your products, but also have buyers validate your claims. Whenever a buyer vouches for your services or products it strengthens your market standing and validates your product quality. In addition, forum based advertising sites follow a human edited classification system, apart from the standard categories; registered users can create new categories thereby allowing niche advertising.
In essence, your primary task should be finding a site that is actually free and then placing your advertisements in the most relevant section/community. It is also a good idea to look for websites where your services and products can be rated by other users, as this will help improve your market creditability and create a loyal customer base.