Standard Deductions for Married People
- According to the IRS, 2/3 of taxpayers take the standard deduction.Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images
All taxpayers who file Form 1040, 1040A and 1040 EZ may take the standard deduction, with the exception of nonresident and dual-status aliens, as well as those who file shortened returns for changes in accounting periods. Check with your tax professional to determine which form you should file. - Those getting a divorce often file separate tax returns.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
The standard deduction is an amount set by the IRS annually. The standard deduction is periodically reviewed and adjusted for inflation. The 2011 standard deduction is $11,600 for married couples filing jointly, $5,800 for singles and married couples filing separately and $8,500 for those who file as head of household. For those couples that file separate income tax returns, if one spouse itemizes deductions, the other must also itemize. - Victims in federally declared disaster areas may receive additional Images
Certain taxpayers receive an additional standard deduction in addition to the deduction regular tax filers receive. Blind individuals and the elderly receive an additional deduction of $1,150 if they are married, and $1,450 if they file as single head of a household. Additional standard deductions may be available for taxpayers who incurred a federal disaster loss or state excise taxes paid on a new vehicle. Check with your tax adviser to see if additional deductions are available to you. - Consider itemizing deductions if you paid a host of medical expenses.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Taxpayers should itemize deductions if they spent more on tax-deductible expenses in total than the stated standard deduction for their filing status. Tax-deductible expenses may include state and local taxes, medical costs, mortgage interest, charitable contributions or other miscellaneous deductions. Your tax preparer can help you determine what expenses can reduce your tax liability.
Who Can Take the Standard Deduction
Standard Deduction Amount
Additional Standard Deduction Amounts
When to Itemize Deductions