DRTV - The Cost Factor
The actual price of airtime for DRTV will depend upon the amount of time purchased. The airtime for direct response television is considerably less expensive than other types of television airtime and can even be called affordable for products that appeal to the masses. That's because hundreds of thousands to millions of viewers may be targeted simultaneously, which makes DRTV cost effective. One of the reasons why DRTV infomercials are so popular and work so well is because there is enough time to actually demonstrate the product and show how it works. When viewers see how the product works and understand they can do it themselves they are more likely to place an order. This allows DRTV marketers to make more money because they are able to sell more products. The two biggest factors that makes DRTV a great way to advertise is that it is more affordable than regular television advertisements and that they are longer. About DRTV DRTV stands for direct response television and the majority of the general public refers to them as "infomercials." Most people don't spend their entire day watching infomercials, although some do, but many do spend a few minutes watching the latest product or invention being demonstrated. The goal is to have an excellent campaign so that when channel surfers hit the infomercial channel they will become mesmerized by the product and stay long enough to learn about it. Since most products will appeal to the masses it is likely that a purchase will be made. Products on DRTV usually have not been marketed through retail stores so they are often times more affordable and easier to sell. Since the majority of products sold through infomercials are not in retail stores, and viewers know this, they will be even more motivated to make their purchase. DRTV Products The types of products sold through DRTV vary significantly, however you won't find poor products being sold. It's not cost effective to take a bad product through the DRTV expenditures so only good, quality products usually make it. Also, almost all of the products being sold through DRTV are products that appeal to the masses. These could be cleaning products, exercise products, cooking utensils, or more. The general rule of thumb is that products sold through DRTV will improve your life in some way.