Asbestos Attorneys Help Clients After Exposure
Asbestos attorneys may need to be called in when individuals have been exposed to this dangerous substance. Many people don't know what asbestos is or where it comes from. It seems like a man-made product but it is actually derived from minerals that are classified as serpentine chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite. These minerals have been exploited commercially over some time due to their sought after qualities in constructing buildings.
Contractors have used this material in structures and various building products due to its strength, pliability, heat resistance, ability to withstand exposure to chemicals and electricity and its sound muffling capabilities. It has a fibrous consistency which allows it to be mixed into other commodities. While these qualities found in this material seem to be wonderful on the surface, they can actually be quite lethal to humans.
Being exposed to asbestos is risky and causes a multitude of dangerous physical maladies including cancer and respiratory ills. Breathing it into one's lungs creates an abrasive and irritating situation. The majority of individuals who have been stricken with diseases related to asbestos are those who have spent multiple days in buildings constructed with the material. Unfortunately, many schools and workplaces have been the sites where repeated exposures have occurred. Many of these toxic structures are still in use today since tearing down and retrofitting is an extremely costly endeavor for business owners, school districts and municipalities.
Some illnesses which have occurred include asbestosis, mesothelioma, a specific type of warts, pleural plaques and thickening. Asbestosis is a lung disease which arises due to scar tissue formation. Breathing becomes impaired because the scarring impedes the natural expansion and contraction of air inhalation within the lungs. Mesothelioma is an especially devastating form of cancer that shows up in people who've breathed in these fibrous minerals. These types of cancerous cells begin to multiply within the sufferers' abdomens. The warts are similar to calluses which result from fibers being imbedded in the dermis. Plaque and thickening occurs into the lining of the lungs and leads to breathing difficulties.
After the ill effects resulting from exposure were discovered, asbestos began to be banned in a number of countries. Japan, New Zealand, Europe, and Australia all banned its use in order to protect the public. India, Russia and China still allow the product in new construction. The United States still uses it in various forms including cement piping although the EPA is trying to limit the usage. The Environmental Protection Agency in the United States, known informally as the EPA, has tried to have it completely banned but has not yet been successful in many areas. Many older buildings that were constructed before anyone knew of the health ills are still standing.
Individuals that have any of the symptoms related to exposure should seek medical and legal advice. A physician can perform x-rays and other diagnostic tests in order to determine the cause of the health problems that are occurring. Asbestos attorneys are adept at protecting the rights of their clients and recovering settlements to offset the devastating effects of this problem.
Contractors have used this material in structures and various building products due to its strength, pliability, heat resistance, ability to withstand exposure to chemicals and electricity and its sound muffling capabilities. It has a fibrous consistency which allows it to be mixed into other commodities. While these qualities found in this material seem to be wonderful on the surface, they can actually be quite lethal to humans.
Being exposed to asbestos is risky and causes a multitude of dangerous physical maladies including cancer and respiratory ills. Breathing it into one's lungs creates an abrasive and irritating situation. The majority of individuals who have been stricken with diseases related to asbestos are those who have spent multiple days in buildings constructed with the material. Unfortunately, many schools and workplaces have been the sites where repeated exposures have occurred. Many of these toxic structures are still in use today since tearing down and retrofitting is an extremely costly endeavor for business owners, school districts and municipalities.
Some illnesses which have occurred include asbestosis, mesothelioma, a specific type of warts, pleural plaques and thickening. Asbestosis is a lung disease which arises due to scar tissue formation. Breathing becomes impaired because the scarring impedes the natural expansion and contraction of air inhalation within the lungs. Mesothelioma is an especially devastating form of cancer that shows up in people who've breathed in these fibrous minerals. These types of cancerous cells begin to multiply within the sufferers' abdomens. The warts are similar to calluses which result from fibers being imbedded in the dermis. Plaque and thickening occurs into the lining of the lungs and leads to breathing difficulties.
After the ill effects resulting from exposure were discovered, asbestos began to be banned in a number of countries. Japan, New Zealand, Europe, and Australia all banned its use in order to protect the public. India, Russia and China still allow the product in new construction. The United States still uses it in various forms including cement piping although the EPA is trying to limit the usage. The Environmental Protection Agency in the United States, known informally as the EPA, has tried to have it completely banned but has not yet been successful in many areas. Many older buildings that were constructed before anyone knew of the health ills are still standing.
Individuals that have any of the symptoms related to exposure should seek medical and legal advice. A physician can perform x-rays and other diagnostic tests in order to determine the cause of the health problems that are occurring. Asbestos attorneys are adept at protecting the rights of their clients and recovering settlements to offset the devastating effects of this problem.