How to Reduce Dihydrotestosterone
- 1). Cleanse the scalp by using a clarifying shampoo. These can be bought over the counter in drugstores and in salons that sell hair products. They are thought to reduce levels of DHT. In addition, try shampoos that contain clobetasol. This shampoo inhibits excess DHT production. Clobetasol shampoos are available by prescription.
- 2). Use the Chinese herb Shen Min. Shen Min is said to inhibit the overproduction of DHT. It's available in health food stores and online for purchase. By blocking DHT, it allows necessary nutrients to reach the hair follicle and grow uninhibited.
- 3). See a doctor to get a checkup. You might suffer from a thyroid disorder. If the thyroid is malfunctioning, it may increase the release of dihydrotestosterone. In addition, if you are already on thyroid medication, you may need to adjust the dosage or alter medications to see results.
- 4). Try using Minoxidil (Ioniten) and/or Propecia (finasteride) to block dihydrotestosterone overproduction. Minoxidil is a topical ointment that's applied to the scalp daily, sold under the brand name Rogaine over the counter. It can also be prescribed in stronger dosages. Propecia is a prescription drug that is taken internally in pill form. It also blocks DHT from shrinking the hair follicle, which contributes to hair loss.