How to Install Thrift PHP on Linux
- 1). Open Terminal, which is available from the "Launch" bar on the desktop.
- 2). Use the Yum Installer to install the packages that are required by Thrift to run with Linux: boost-devel, automake, ruby-devel, zlib-devel, flex, bison libtool, pkgconfig and python-devel. To install automake, for example, type "sudo yum install automake" and press "Enter." If any of these packages are not present on the hard drive, Thrift will not run.
- 3). Install the packages that correspond to the programming language that you wish to use with the same method as in Step 1. For Thrift PHP, these are php5-dev and php5-cli.
- 4). Generate the configuration scripts of Thrift PHP by typing "./" and pressing "Enter."
- 5). Configure the machine to run Thrift PHP by entering the "configure" command, followed by the path to where the software is located by typing "./configure --with-boost=path". Replace "path" with the location of Thrift PHP.
- 6). Use "make install" from the Thrift PHP directory in order to install Thrift and all of the packages that are associated with it.