Homemade High Calorie Dog Food
- 1). Open the tops of the12 freezer bags and place on counter.
- 2). Mix the Total, oatmeal and wheat germ together in a large bowl.
- 3). Add the oil, molasses and salt, and mix well.
- 4). Crack the eggs into the bowl, then crush the eggshells and add into the mixture.
- 5). Pour in the gelatin, and mix all the ingredients well.
- 6). Add the raw hamburger and knead it until all ingredients are combined into a meatloaf consistency.
- 7). Roll the mixture into 1 to 2 inch diameter meatballs.
- 8). Place the meatballs into the freezer bags and store in your freezer until you are ready to use them. Feed them thawed and raw, as needed.