Helpful Advice On How To Get Your Girlfriend Back
Just knowing that you're wanting your girlfriend back is not going to be enough to make it so.
Stop moping around wasting your time, you can't dwell on what could have been.
You need to figure out what went wrong with the relationship, man up and take the initiative to make things right.
If you're wanting to win your girlfriend back and have her back into your loving arms again, then I have a few smooth moves you can take note of.
First of all, you will need to try to mend any bridges you may have burned between you and your girlfriend.
This may not be as difficult as you think.
Show her you have a softer side, open up, talk about your feelings and concerns as well as her concerns.
Be a good listener, but, If you are typically the quiet type and set back and let your girlfriend do most of the talking, it may be time for you to speak up.
The key is to keep the line of communication open between the two of you.
With today's technology you can simply send her an e-mail, text message or the old fashion way and just pick up the phone and call her.
So with such emphasize on today's communication, there really is no reason for you NOT to contact her one way or the other.
If she is not ready to take your call, email or text yet, roses with a note or card showing your sincerity and good intentions may just be the ice breaker you need to open that line of communication up again.
You may think that sending her roses may be kind of cheesy, but trust me, women like receiving roses, especially at work where everyone notices.
Women also feel very special and important when their significant other remembers those special occasions that are especially important to them.
For instant, forgetting a birthday or wedding anniversary will be a major disappointment to her and these forgotten dates will definitely be ones that will be hard to make up to her.
Women place a great deal of significance on certain dates, especially those that are meaningful to them.
Even if they are not important to you, they are to her and that is what is important! Sometimes it's the little things that you do that will show her just how important she is to you.
A major mistake men, as well as some women make when trying to reconcile with their ex is to overdo it.
Trying to open a line of communication is great, but bombarding your ex with hundreds of text, calls or emails is a sure way to scare your ex off as well as make them feel that they are being stalked by you.
By doing this, you are showing your ex just how desperate, hopeless and needy you are instead of your sincerity.
This is a big turn off and will definitely not work in your favor when trying to get your ex back.
These are not traits women look for in men.
You will need to know that you cannot make an individual do anything they do not want to do! You cannot make someone love you, you cannot make someone want you or want to be with you.
This will have to be their chose and decision too.
That being said, instead of scaring your ex off with too many emails, text or phone messages, you may need to reflect more on yourself.
Don't dwell on the past or to place blame on who or what caused your breakup.
Thoughts about the past can easily result in another argument which can be very detrimental towards your efforts of making up with your ex.
What's done is done, instead, reflect on the positive traits and actions that your ex admired about you as well as the things you need to improvement on.
Concentrate on the positive things that the two of you shared and the commonalities that made the two of you fall in love in the first place.
The most important thing to remember is to stay positive.
A positive attitude can go along way in showing your sincerity and devotion in winning her love back.
This may not happen as quickly as you would like, but don't give up! If she still loves you, after you showing her the love, devotion and most of all your sincerity, she should be willing to give you a second chance.
If for some reason, she is not receptive to your advances and wanting to move on, then you should respect her wishes and move on as well.
Learn and grow from your experience, hold your head high, identify the mistakes you made in your relationship and the areas you can improve on.
Winning your girlfriends love and respect back may be difficult, but not impossible if the love is still there.
Each breakup, situation and as well as each individual is unique, therefore the right approach to solving any relationship is unique as well.
Each approach to saving a relationship will need to be personalized and unique to you, your ex and to your unique situation.
Stop moping around wasting your time, you can't dwell on what could have been.
You need to figure out what went wrong with the relationship, man up and take the initiative to make things right.
If you're wanting to win your girlfriend back and have her back into your loving arms again, then I have a few smooth moves you can take note of.
First of all, you will need to try to mend any bridges you may have burned between you and your girlfriend.
This may not be as difficult as you think.
Show her you have a softer side, open up, talk about your feelings and concerns as well as her concerns.
Be a good listener, but, If you are typically the quiet type and set back and let your girlfriend do most of the talking, it may be time for you to speak up.
The key is to keep the line of communication open between the two of you.
With today's technology you can simply send her an e-mail, text message or the old fashion way and just pick up the phone and call her.
So with such emphasize on today's communication, there really is no reason for you NOT to contact her one way or the other.
If she is not ready to take your call, email or text yet, roses with a note or card showing your sincerity and good intentions may just be the ice breaker you need to open that line of communication up again.
You may think that sending her roses may be kind of cheesy, but trust me, women like receiving roses, especially at work where everyone notices.
Women also feel very special and important when their significant other remembers those special occasions that are especially important to them.
For instant, forgetting a birthday or wedding anniversary will be a major disappointment to her and these forgotten dates will definitely be ones that will be hard to make up to her.
Women place a great deal of significance on certain dates, especially those that are meaningful to them.
Even if they are not important to you, they are to her and that is what is important! Sometimes it's the little things that you do that will show her just how important she is to you.
A major mistake men, as well as some women make when trying to reconcile with their ex is to overdo it.
Trying to open a line of communication is great, but bombarding your ex with hundreds of text, calls or emails is a sure way to scare your ex off as well as make them feel that they are being stalked by you.
By doing this, you are showing your ex just how desperate, hopeless and needy you are instead of your sincerity.
This is a big turn off and will definitely not work in your favor when trying to get your ex back.
These are not traits women look for in men.
You will need to know that you cannot make an individual do anything they do not want to do! You cannot make someone love you, you cannot make someone want you or want to be with you.
This will have to be their chose and decision too.
That being said, instead of scaring your ex off with too many emails, text or phone messages, you may need to reflect more on yourself.
Don't dwell on the past or to place blame on who or what caused your breakup.
Thoughts about the past can easily result in another argument which can be very detrimental towards your efforts of making up with your ex.
What's done is done, instead, reflect on the positive traits and actions that your ex admired about you as well as the things you need to improvement on.
Concentrate on the positive things that the two of you shared and the commonalities that made the two of you fall in love in the first place.
The most important thing to remember is to stay positive.
A positive attitude can go along way in showing your sincerity and devotion in winning her love back.
This may not happen as quickly as you would like, but don't give up! If she still loves you, after you showing her the love, devotion and most of all your sincerity, she should be willing to give you a second chance.
If for some reason, she is not receptive to your advances and wanting to move on, then you should respect her wishes and move on as well.
Learn and grow from your experience, hold your head high, identify the mistakes you made in your relationship and the areas you can improve on.
Winning your girlfriends love and respect back may be difficult, but not impossible if the love is still there.
Each breakup, situation and as well as each individual is unique, therefore the right approach to solving any relationship is unique as well.
Each approach to saving a relationship will need to be personalized and unique to you, your ex and to your unique situation.