Do I Have Celiac Disease?
Celiac disease is am auto-immune disorder of the small intestines affecting a person's ability to properly digest food and absorb nutrients.
In particular, the disease refers to the inability to digest foods that contain gluten or an ingredient commonly found in wheat, barley and other cereals.
When this condition exists, the body is not able to take in the necessary nutrients which can lead to malnutrition.
This disorder that affects the digestive system cannot easily be detected.
The reason is that it shows just a few symptoms or even no symptoms at all.
In addition, some of its common signs are similar to other diseases.
And due to these similarities in symptoms, continuous tests need to be done to ensure that a person indeed has celiac disease.
The symptoms to watch out for cover two categories -inability of the body to absorb nutrients and malnutrition.
As far as malabsorption is concerned, the three major dietary nutrients that are not properly taken in by the body are carbohydrates, proteins and fat although fat is the most affected.
When this happens, the common symptoms that appear include diarrhea, bloating of the stomach, foul smelling gas and high fat content in the stool.
Lactose intolerance can also happen resulting in stomach pain, bloating and diarrhea.
Since the body is unable to absorb nutrients, this leads to malnutrition or deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Signs include loss of weight, anemia, osteoporosis, infertility, weakness of the muscles and fluid retention.
Anemia can result from lack of absorption of vitamin B12 and iron while inability to absorb vitamin D and calcium results in osteoporosis.
Muscle weakness is an outcome of low potassium and magnesium levels.
Celiac disease strikes both children and adults.
Unlike in the past when the disorder was associated with infants and children, today it can strike adults and even the elderly.
All share the common signs of diarrhea, flatulence and weight loss.
Only through specific tests can the celiac disorder be properly diagnosed.
Judging the symptoms alone is not enough.
Tests that may be done include a serological blood test, an upper endoscopy with biopsy of the duodenum, pathology and coagulation tests.
Of these procedures, the serology test has been proposed as a screening measure.
By following a gluten-free diet, research has shown that people with the disease have a great chance to recover and attain a quality of life.
However, not all patients with this condition share the same degree of recovery.
Men are reported to have a higher improvement rate than women.
If you're diagnosed by a physician to have celiac disease, a diet devoid of gluten containing foods is a must.
This means staying away from foods that contain wheat, barley, other cereals and all those that have these ingredients.
But before you despair, you have to know that you can still eat your favorite foods and drink alcoholic beverages except for beer and ale.
What's important is you replace your regular ingredients with the non-gluten ones and you're free to eat whatever you like.
And don't forget your fruits and veggies.
In particular, the disease refers to the inability to digest foods that contain gluten or an ingredient commonly found in wheat, barley and other cereals.
When this condition exists, the body is not able to take in the necessary nutrients which can lead to malnutrition.
This disorder that affects the digestive system cannot easily be detected.
The reason is that it shows just a few symptoms or even no symptoms at all.
In addition, some of its common signs are similar to other diseases.
And due to these similarities in symptoms, continuous tests need to be done to ensure that a person indeed has celiac disease.
The symptoms to watch out for cover two categories -inability of the body to absorb nutrients and malnutrition.
As far as malabsorption is concerned, the three major dietary nutrients that are not properly taken in by the body are carbohydrates, proteins and fat although fat is the most affected.
When this happens, the common symptoms that appear include diarrhea, bloating of the stomach, foul smelling gas and high fat content in the stool.
Lactose intolerance can also happen resulting in stomach pain, bloating and diarrhea.
Since the body is unable to absorb nutrients, this leads to malnutrition or deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Signs include loss of weight, anemia, osteoporosis, infertility, weakness of the muscles and fluid retention.
Anemia can result from lack of absorption of vitamin B12 and iron while inability to absorb vitamin D and calcium results in osteoporosis.
Muscle weakness is an outcome of low potassium and magnesium levels.
Celiac disease strikes both children and adults.
Unlike in the past when the disorder was associated with infants and children, today it can strike adults and even the elderly.
All share the common signs of diarrhea, flatulence and weight loss.
Only through specific tests can the celiac disorder be properly diagnosed.
Judging the symptoms alone is not enough.
Tests that may be done include a serological blood test, an upper endoscopy with biopsy of the duodenum, pathology and coagulation tests.
Of these procedures, the serology test has been proposed as a screening measure.
By following a gluten-free diet, research has shown that people with the disease have a great chance to recover and attain a quality of life.
However, not all patients with this condition share the same degree of recovery.
Men are reported to have a higher improvement rate than women.
If you're diagnosed by a physician to have celiac disease, a diet devoid of gluten containing foods is a must.
This means staying away from foods that contain wheat, barley, other cereals and all those that have these ingredients.
But before you despair, you have to know that you can still eat your favorite foods and drink alcoholic beverages except for beer and ale.
What's important is you replace your regular ingredients with the non-gluten ones and you're free to eat whatever you like.
And don't forget your fruits and veggies.