Stretch For Your Golf Warming Up
Golf stretching refers to stretches and stretching routines that specifically benefit golfers. The stretches on this page are ones that focus on parts of the golfer's body that are most used during the golf swing, and that can most benefit the golfer by being improved upon.
Head-to-toe will be a good way for your golf warming up strength because it provides a way for you to remember to include all the major muscle groups in sequence. You need to hold each stretch for fifteen to twenty seconds. You should avoid stretching beyond the point of pain, and never bounce to stretch. You should stretch one side of the body, then the other, and repeat the stretches three or four time for each side.
However, some stretches for your different parts of your body are good to your warming up. First will be some stretches for your neck. Turn your head all the way to the left and hold, and you can add a little more stretch by pushing your chin with your fingertips, and then repeat for the right side. Flexing your neck to bring your chin as close to your chest as you can go and hold, you do the neck flexion just pretend you are looking at a spot of mustard on your shirt. The lateral neck stretch exercise is very easy, just looking straight ahead, cock your head to the left as if you were trying to bring your left ear to your shoulder, but don't cheat by shrugging your shoulder up to meet your ear. Repeat for the right side.
Next will be some useful shoulder exercise, when you want to stretch your posterior shoulder, you can pretend you have an itch between your shoulder blades. Hold your left arm across your body and grab the back of your left elbow with your right hand. Pull the left elbow in as far as you can so that your left fingertips can reach your upper back. Repeat for the right shoulder. Stretching your anterior shoulder and chest stretch by holding a club with both hands behind your back, elbows extended. Now stick out your chest while you raise the club back away from your body and hold. Hold your left arm out in front of you with your elbow locked straight. Now take your right hand and bend your left wrist and hand as far down as they will go and hold. Now repeat the stretch but this time turn your left palm up and use your right hand to extend the left wrist as far as they will go. Repeat for the right side. This exercise loosens the wrists and also prevents tennis elbow and golfer's elbow so doesnt skimp here.
Holding a club with both hands over your head and keeping your pelvis steady, bend as far as you can to the left and hold. Slowly return to the upright position and repeat to the right side. This stretches the lower back. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend forward at the waist and try to touch your toes. There is a huge degree of variation among people regarding how far they can go, so don't feel bad if you can't reach all the way to your toes. Remember not to bounce. If you have a bad back you can sit on a bench and lean over to touch your toes instead.
You can use the golf cart seat or a bench. Pretend you're driving to the Grand Canyon while your kids have been arguing in the back seat for six hours straight and you are going to now yell at them. Keeping your hips facing forward, rotate your body all the way to the left, look over your shoulder and hold. If you like, you can grab hold of the back of the bench or seat. Repeat for the right side. Stand upright and place your left foot on the golf cart or bench. Now bend forward at the waist while keeping your back straight. Repeat for the right side.
Stand with your feet close together and pretend you stepped in some chewing gum and you are checking the bottom of your shoe. Stand with your feet close together. Now grab your left ankle behind you and flex your knee as far as it will go and hold your left heel should hit your buttocks. Repeat for the right side. If necessary, hold on to the golf cart or a tree for balance. To get the most out of this stretch, keep the trunk straight and avoid leaning forward. Standing with your right foot about eighteen inches in front of your left food and pretend you are a sword fighter about to thrust at your opponent. Keeps your left heel on the ground as you lean forward, flexing your right knee as you go. You will feel a stretch in your left calf muscles. Repeat for the right side. If necessary, you can hold on to the golf cart or a tree for balance as you lean forward.
All the stretches and exercises can be used in your golf warming up, however, you should go slow and pay attention to when adding any new stretches or exercises.
Head-to-toe will be a good way for your golf warming up strength because it provides a way for you to remember to include all the major muscle groups in sequence. You need to hold each stretch for fifteen to twenty seconds. You should avoid stretching beyond the point of pain, and never bounce to stretch. You should stretch one side of the body, then the other, and repeat the stretches three or four time for each side.
However, some stretches for your different parts of your body are good to your warming up. First will be some stretches for your neck. Turn your head all the way to the left and hold, and you can add a little more stretch by pushing your chin with your fingertips, and then repeat for the right side. Flexing your neck to bring your chin as close to your chest as you can go and hold, you do the neck flexion just pretend you are looking at a spot of mustard on your shirt. The lateral neck stretch exercise is very easy, just looking straight ahead, cock your head to the left as if you were trying to bring your left ear to your shoulder, but don't cheat by shrugging your shoulder up to meet your ear. Repeat for the right side.
Next will be some useful shoulder exercise, when you want to stretch your posterior shoulder, you can pretend you have an itch between your shoulder blades. Hold your left arm across your body and grab the back of your left elbow with your right hand. Pull the left elbow in as far as you can so that your left fingertips can reach your upper back. Repeat for the right shoulder. Stretching your anterior shoulder and chest stretch by holding a club with both hands behind your back, elbows extended. Now stick out your chest while you raise the club back away from your body and hold. Hold your left arm out in front of you with your elbow locked straight. Now take your right hand and bend your left wrist and hand as far down as they will go and hold. Now repeat the stretch but this time turn your left palm up and use your right hand to extend the left wrist as far as they will go. Repeat for the right side. This exercise loosens the wrists and also prevents tennis elbow and golfer's elbow so doesnt skimp here.
Holding a club with both hands over your head and keeping your pelvis steady, bend as far as you can to the left and hold. Slowly return to the upright position and repeat to the right side. This stretches the lower back. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend forward at the waist and try to touch your toes. There is a huge degree of variation among people regarding how far they can go, so don't feel bad if you can't reach all the way to your toes. Remember not to bounce. If you have a bad back you can sit on a bench and lean over to touch your toes instead.
You can use the golf cart seat or a bench. Pretend you're driving to the Grand Canyon while your kids have been arguing in the back seat for six hours straight and you are going to now yell at them. Keeping your hips facing forward, rotate your body all the way to the left, look over your shoulder and hold. If you like, you can grab hold of the back of the bench or seat. Repeat for the right side. Stand upright and place your left foot on the golf cart or bench. Now bend forward at the waist while keeping your back straight. Repeat for the right side.
Stand with your feet close together and pretend you stepped in some chewing gum and you are checking the bottom of your shoe. Stand with your feet close together. Now grab your left ankle behind you and flex your knee as far as it will go and hold your left heel should hit your buttocks. Repeat for the right side. If necessary, hold on to the golf cart or a tree for balance. To get the most out of this stretch, keep the trunk straight and avoid leaning forward. Standing with your right foot about eighteen inches in front of your left food and pretend you are a sword fighter about to thrust at your opponent. Keeps your left heel on the ground as you lean forward, flexing your right knee as you go. You will feel a stretch in your left calf muscles. Repeat for the right side. If necessary, you can hold on to the golf cart or a tree for balance as you lean forward.
All the stretches and exercises can be used in your golf warming up, however, you should go slow and pay attention to when adding any new stretches or exercises.