How to Take Care of an Outstanding Traffic Violation in Texas
- 1). Look at the ticket that you received. On the back of the ticket, there should be a phone number printed or website address. Call the phone number or visit the website to learn the outstanding due amount. Make a payment with a check, money order or credit card.
- 2). Call the city or county where you received the ticket if you no longer have the copy of the ticket. Ask to speak with the municipal court, who will be able to give you information about where to send a payment.
- 3). Consider taking a defensive driving class. Although the amount you will spend is often similar to the cost of the traffic ticket, there is an advantage to taking a class because the violation will not go on your record. Texas laws allow you to get one ticket per year dismissed by taking a defensive driving course. You cannot take the class if you have recently taken it for another ticket or for some serious violations.
- 4). Send a letter to the municipal court in the city where you received the ticket asking permission to take a defensive driving course. Although deadlines vary from one city to another, some places require you to pay the ticket in its entirety if you don't request a defensive driving course within a certain amount of time.
- 5). Find an accredited defensive driving school nearby. The classes can be taken online, through video or in person. The online options are available for those who may have gotten a traffic violation in Texas but do not live there.
- 6). Mail your certificate of completion of the defensive driving course to the court that authorized your course. This must be done within 90 days of receiving authorization to take the class.