Promoting Your Cleaning Business
Promoting your cleaning business need not be a difficult and frustrating thing. You might think, well, why do I need this? Havent I marketed and advertised enough? Do I need to send in the clowns?
Of course not. Promoting your cleaning business is another way for you to find new customers and keep old ones. You can easily promote your cleaning business without resorting to hiring clowns, riding in blimps with a sign trailing out the back or breaking the bank.
How is promotion different from advertising or marketing? Its not that different, its simply part of what they call a marketing mix. This marketing mix involves everything from the pricing of your service and how you distribute it. Promotion is a part of advertising.
If youve taken out an ad about your cleaning business on the TV or radio or even youre your local paper, youre actually already promoted your cleaning business. This is the first and most obvious way of promoting your services. Its also the easiest because you get other people to do it for you. You can even route your promotion through an advertising agency if you have the budget to hire them. Dont worry if you cant, you can easily do it by printing out your own marketing materials. This type of promotion also includes mailing your brochure to people, direct advertising or simply going up to your neighborhood grocer to offer your cleaning service.
There are other ways to promote your business. Promotion is simply another way to make people more aware of what you have to offer them and how it can benefit them in the long run. You can easily promote your business within your cleaning service. How is this done? This is done by giving your workers or employees special benefits. Kind of like, because you work at Wal-Mart, you get a discount off grocery items. Most employers and businesses do have something like this going on with their employees. Their workers can also use your services but for a smaller fee. Thats another way of promoting your cleaning business. An added bonus is this is a great boost for employee morale.
Giving discounts and promotions to new and regular customers is another way to both attract and keep their business. Discounts on special occasions are a great way for you to promote your cleaning services. This is especially true for holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving when most people will have a lot of people over. Why not take advantage and offer a special rate. This will help you drum up more business for you! Everybody loves a deal! Why not have special office party clean-up promotions? Things like that will help customers realize that there are many great benefits with staying with your company.
These are but a few of the ways you can easily promote your cleaning services and your cleaning business. You dont have to be a marketing expert to do these things! These are easy to do, easy to make ways of promoting your cleaning business.
For more info see:How To Start A Cleaning Business
Of course not. Promoting your cleaning business is another way for you to find new customers and keep old ones. You can easily promote your cleaning business without resorting to hiring clowns, riding in blimps with a sign trailing out the back or breaking the bank.
How is promotion different from advertising or marketing? Its not that different, its simply part of what they call a marketing mix. This marketing mix involves everything from the pricing of your service and how you distribute it. Promotion is a part of advertising.
If youve taken out an ad about your cleaning business on the TV or radio or even youre your local paper, youre actually already promoted your cleaning business. This is the first and most obvious way of promoting your services. Its also the easiest because you get other people to do it for you. You can even route your promotion through an advertising agency if you have the budget to hire them. Dont worry if you cant, you can easily do it by printing out your own marketing materials. This type of promotion also includes mailing your brochure to people, direct advertising or simply going up to your neighborhood grocer to offer your cleaning service.
There are other ways to promote your business. Promotion is simply another way to make people more aware of what you have to offer them and how it can benefit them in the long run. You can easily promote your business within your cleaning service. How is this done? This is done by giving your workers or employees special benefits. Kind of like, because you work at Wal-Mart, you get a discount off grocery items. Most employers and businesses do have something like this going on with their employees. Their workers can also use your services but for a smaller fee. Thats another way of promoting your cleaning business. An added bonus is this is a great boost for employee morale.
Giving discounts and promotions to new and regular customers is another way to both attract and keep their business. Discounts on special occasions are a great way for you to promote your cleaning services. This is especially true for holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving when most people will have a lot of people over. Why not take advantage and offer a special rate. This will help you drum up more business for you! Everybody loves a deal! Why not have special office party clean-up promotions? Things like that will help customers realize that there are many great benefits with staying with your company.
These are but a few of the ways you can easily promote your cleaning services and your cleaning business. You dont have to be a marketing expert to do these things! These are easy to do, easy to make ways of promoting your cleaning business.
For more info see:How To Start A Cleaning Business