Snack Ideas for Vacation Bible School
- If a church is using an already published Vacation Bible School curriculum, there will be a guide with snack ideas that match the theme. For example, if the VBS is written around a tropical-island theme, ideas would include fruit-flavored drink in many colors and foods like trail mix with fruit, colored applesauce and banana splits.
- Smaller churches that are on a tight budget can serve the following: generic-brand cookies, graham crackers, dry cereal with raisins. as well as pudding and jello. Water and powdered drinks are the least expensive beverages.
- Snacks that can be made and donated by church members are brownies, rice-crispy treats, cupcakes, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
- Extra snacks should be available for children who have health issues affected by food. For diabetics, have things like raisin snack packs, cheese cubes, or bite-size bagels. If a child is allergic to milk or chocolate, have other options, like oatmeal cookies instead of chocolate chip and cool-whip instead of ice cream.
- If there are children who are picky eaters, you usually cannot go wrong with popsicles, fruit, popcorn and cheese crackers. Most children will eat one or more of these selections.
Themed Snacks
Economical Snacks
Donated Snacks
Snacks for Specific Medical Conditions
Final Consideration