When Is GST Assessable?
GST is payable by supplier of taxable supply in respect of the taxable supplies under section 7 of the relevant legislation and flexible importations that they make.
There are special rules dealing with taxable importations which are different from the general rules dealing with taxable supplies.
The taxable supplies defined in section 9 of legislation.
You make a taxable supply if you make a supply for consideration in the supplies made in the course or furtherance of an enterprise that you carry on and the supplies connected with Australia and you are registered or required to be registered.
However, the supply is not a taxable supply to the extent that it is GST free or import tax.
A supply of a good or service is not only subject to GST if it is a taxable supply in accordance with the above definition.
In addition, there are certain rules which affect the operation of this definition.
Nevertheless, this definition is the commencement point to the determining whether a GST liability exists.
The definition of a supply is contained in section 9 of the act is extremely broad.
It can include a supply of goods, services, the provision of advice or information, a grand, Simon or surrender real property, creation, Grant, transfer, or assignment or surrender of any right, financial supply, and entry into will release from an obligation to do anything or refrain from any act or to tolerate an act or situation.
Any combination of two or more of the matter is referred to above can also constitute a supply.
It does not matter whether it is lawful to do so, to refrain from doing or to tolerate the actor situation constituting a supply.
The avoidance of doubt legislation also makes the delivery of livestock are slaughtering process into food war game for processing into food a supply.
supply is defined in extremely broad terms and stated to be inclusive, and as such something may be a supply even though it is not within the list in section 9.
The list is indicative of what supply and use and covers most things.
The term supply is also what is included by the term as it is ordinarily understood in the English-language.
There are special rules dealing with taxable importations which are different from the general rules dealing with taxable supplies.
The taxable supplies defined in section 9 of legislation.
You make a taxable supply if you make a supply for consideration in the supplies made in the course or furtherance of an enterprise that you carry on and the supplies connected with Australia and you are registered or required to be registered.
However, the supply is not a taxable supply to the extent that it is GST free or import tax.
A supply of a good or service is not only subject to GST if it is a taxable supply in accordance with the above definition.
In addition, there are certain rules which affect the operation of this definition.
Nevertheless, this definition is the commencement point to the determining whether a GST liability exists.
The definition of a supply is contained in section 9 of the act is extremely broad.
It can include a supply of goods, services, the provision of advice or information, a grand, Simon or surrender real property, creation, Grant, transfer, or assignment or surrender of any right, financial supply, and entry into will release from an obligation to do anything or refrain from any act or to tolerate an act or situation.
Any combination of two or more of the matter is referred to above can also constitute a supply.
It does not matter whether it is lawful to do so, to refrain from doing or to tolerate the actor situation constituting a supply.
The avoidance of doubt legislation also makes the delivery of livestock are slaughtering process into food war game for processing into food a supply.
supply is defined in extremely broad terms and stated to be inclusive, and as such something may be a supply even though it is not within the list in section 9.
The list is indicative of what supply and use and covers most things.
The term supply is also what is included by the term as it is ordinarily understood in the English-language.