Decorating Ideas for Kids for Paper Hearts
- Paper hearts can be used to make a heart wreath.Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images
A paper plate offers a sturdy base to create a lightweight heart wreath to hang on the door, wall or window. Cut out the middle of the paper plate leaving about a 2-inch rim. Cut out many paper hearts of about the same size. Use a glue stick to attach the hearts to the rim of the plate with the point of the heart toward the middle of the plate. Photos of friends can be cut in heart shapes and attached to the paper plate to create a friendship wreath. - Use paper hearts to create decorative animals with just a little glue and creativity. For example, a line of same-sized hearts can be layered to become a worm. A small grey heart can become a mouse's head; just add whiskers, ears, an oval body and string for a tail. Place the points of two hearts end to end, add some antenna and watch a butterfly emerge.
- You can use any colored paper to create heart shapes of varying sizes to hang as ornaments. Create narrow folds on each fan, bending the paper back and forth as if you were making a paper fan. Open the accordion folds and attach a length of ribbon to the back of each heart. Let kids hang the hearts on a Valentine's Day tree, or dangle hearts from the ceiling to create a festive look for the classroom or home.
- This garland can be strung above doors, windows, bulletin boards or just about anywhere kids want to hang it. Cut strips of red construction paper about 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. Fold each piece in half to create the bottom point of the heart. Bring the open ends together and bend the strip into a heart shape. Use glue or a stapler to attach the heart together. Make a series of these hearts and then staple one heart to the side of the next heart until you create a garland.
Heart Wreath
Heart Animals
Hanging Hearts
Heart Garland