What is It to be Human and is It Something to be Proud of?
Some contend that humans are naturally wonderful loving creatures and we are full of good.
Others look out at the French Riots or Machete and AK-47 killings and say you have to be kidding me? You call that a group of loving and caring; is this your wonderful humans in their wondrous humanity? Of course this debate is as old as religion itself and has been pondered by philosophers throughout time.
That is to say is humankind inherently good or are they innately evil? On the side that humans are good are those who state things like: "What you and I see "humans" doing on this planet, is in my view"inhuman", that is it is "not" originating from human beings but from the "mind programming" that they have fallen prey.
All of this programming can be purged from the species, and not with technology, simply with a desire for personal honesty about what is happening here.
" Yes indeed that is a good argument, that humans are good, but along the way have been manipulated and taught to fear and hate.
That today modern mass media hysteria and purported education, politics and society of our civilizations is causing mankind to act out.
That in part our own technology is also partially to blame.
But mankind is able to chose is he not? Have they chosen to accept this.
Isn't religion indoctrination the same? What about nationalism too? Family honor or even the "Your team VS mine," them and us scenarios, okay so they, we, us are acting out and sure, well we can call that inhuman? But who is to say that is not the norm of humanity and that humans are innately evil, bad or "inhuman" for that matter? Is man inherently good or is he innately evil? That is the age old question and to cloud that question with excuses for why he is acting out like an animal is besides the point, as if man is so good, why can't he over come such brutal and violent behavior? Social programming aside, what is wrong with this picture.
I leave the last word up to you.
Think on it.
Others look out at the French Riots or Machete and AK-47 killings and say you have to be kidding me? You call that a group of loving and caring; is this your wonderful humans in their wondrous humanity? Of course this debate is as old as religion itself and has been pondered by philosophers throughout time.
That is to say is humankind inherently good or are they innately evil? On the side that humans are good are those who state things like: "What you and I see "humans" doing on this planet, is in my view"inhuman", that is it is "not" originating from human beings but from the "mind programming" that they have fallen prey.
All of this programming can be purged from the species, and not with technology, simply with a desire for personal honesty about what is happening here.
" Yes indeed that is a good argument, that humans are good, but along the way have been manipulated and taught to fear and hate.
That today modern mass media hysteria and purported education, politics and society of our civilizations is causing mankind to act out.
That in part our own technology is also partially to blame.
But mankind is able to chose is he not? Have they chosen to accept this.
Isn't religion indoctrination the same? What about nationalism too? Family honor or even the "Your team VS mine," them and us scenarios, okay so they, we, us are acting out and sure, well we can call that inhuman? But who is to say that is not the norm of humanity and that humans are innately evil, bad or "inhuman" for that matter? Is man inherently good or is he innately evil? That is the age old question and to cloud that question with excuses for why he is acting out like an animal is besides the point, as if man is so good, why can't he over come such brutal and violent behavior? Social programming aside, what is wrong with this picture.
I leave the last word up to you.
Think on it.