How to Homestead Your Residence
- 1). Look up the requirements for your state. Each state has different limitations for income, what you can exempt and what you can do with the exemptions. Locate the tax office of your local county for this information. Make sure you fall within your state guidelines before you proceed.
- 2). File income tax returns for state and federal taxes. For any application to be considered, current tax returns showing the need for the exemptions will be required. Make sure the past 2 years have been filed, along with the current year to be safe. Have records of these filings with you as part of the application.
- 3). Get an application form for a homestead exemption. Receive the application via mail, email or downloaded file, depending on how your county office provides this. You can also go directly to the tax office to pick it up in person; this allows you to ask any questions while you are there. Some counties will help you fill out the application.
- 4). File the application with the proper proof of residency. No state will accept incomplete applications. Provide proof that you are a resident of the state and that you are the owner of the property for which you are seeking the exemptions. Most states also require that the property be your primary residence. All required information must be linked to the address for which you are applying for tax exemptions.
- 5). Provide Social Security numbers for spouses or other family members who may fall under the exemption status. For resident aliens, a green card or proof of immigration number must also be provided. The primary residence claimed must also be your current mailing address.
- 6). Sign the forms. Make sure you have all of the required information before signing the application. File the form in accordance with the time frame for your state or county. For example, in Minnesota, if you purchased and moved into the residence by December 1st, you must homestead your residence by December 15th to be eligible for the next year starting in January.