How to Choose Mega Millions Lottery Numbers
- 1). Visit the website of the Mega Millions Lottery and look at the winning numbers for the past 50 drawings. In every drawing, the first 5 numbers are drawn from 1 to 56. The last number, the Mega Ball, is drawn from 1 to 46. The first 5 numbers of every winning ticket are listed in order from smallest to largest.
- 2). Now, look at the first column of numbers; these are the lowest numbers in each winning lottery ticket over the past 50 drawings. Pick a number that has that appears frequently in the first column.
- 3). Next, look at the 5th column of numbers; these are the highest numbers in each drawing. Pick a number that occurs frequently in the 5th column.
- 4). Pick the next three Mega Millions by using the digits in your phone number. Pick lottery numbers that give you a good vibe.
- 5). Lastly, for the Mega Ball, pick either your age or half your age.
- 6). One last strategy for picking winning lottery numbers is the following. Purchase a quick pick ticket where a computer randomly generates the numbers for you. Then purchase another ticket, and add 1 to all the numbers on the quick pick. For example, if the first lottery ticket is 3, 11, 14, 26, 48, and 35; then pick 4, 12, 15, 27, 49, and 36 for the second ticket.