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Cancer - Breast, Prostate, Colon, Lung - Which One is the Number Killer and How Can We Fight Back?

This may wow some of you or it may not, but the truth of the matter is we ALL have cancer cells.
Is that a scary thought? Now, here is something even more alarming..
we have had them for a long time and maybe did not even know it.
I hope I did not spoil you dinner, or perhaps your weekend, or your...
that is enough, we got the point.
So with that in mind, let us get to the point that REALLY matters.
WHAT IS CANCER AND WHERE DOES IT START? Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by unrestricted growth of cells in general tissue or a specific organ.
Cancer begins in the cells which are the basic structural element of the of the body; billions in number and highly differentiated in functions.
Cancer starts with the mutation in the genetic code of the cell- a reprogramming as it were of developmental patterns that results in uncontrolled growth.
Apart from genetic factors, some casual factors are: 1.
Pollution of cigarette smoke.
Fossil fuel exhaust.
Heavy metals, pesticides and others.
The ionizing radiation of X-rays 5.
Nuclear waste.
Ultraviolet(UV) radiation from the sun, intensified by a depleted ozone layer.
Poor diet.
Certain viruses: AIDS, hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr disease.
(AMA) A combination of genetic and environmental factors including diet may contribute to this out of hand replication.
One well-known theory suggests that when free radicals form in the cell nucleus, the DNA code may be damaged.
Another theory suggests that factors such as poor diet and cigarette smoke compromises the immune system and weaken bodily defenses which might otherwise destroy a newly cancerous cell.
Regardless of theory, we owe it to ourselves to pay close attention to all possible factors and take advantage of any way to minimize the danger of cancer.
One of these is by maintaining GSH levels.
A CLOSER LOOK AT BREAST, PROSTATE, COLON and LUNG CANCER We have already discussed what cancer is and how it might get started.
So, let us look at a few informative tidbits about the various locations of cancer.
BREAST-- Cancer cells forms in the tissue of the breast, usually in the ducts(tubes that carries milk to the nipple) and lobules(the glands that makes the milk).
Being exposed to estrogen over a long period of time may increase a woman risk for breast cancer.
PROSTATE-- Cancer cells forms in the tissues of the prostate.
Some scientists are of the opinion that prostate cancer is a disease of aging.
They claim that more than three-quarters of men over eighty show evidence of cancer in their glands.
COLON-- Cancer cells forms in the tissues of the colon(large intestine).
Colon cancer has a strong genetic components.
Most cases are caused by the interaction of multiple genes and environmental factors such as eating a diet high in animal fat(especially red meat).
LUNG-- Cancer cells that forms in the lungs.
Cancer- causing chemicals from cigarette smoke is ninety percent of all cases of lung cancer.
These cancer cells in the lungs multiply out of control, and travel to other parts of the body.
THE NUMBER ONE KILLER Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of both men and women in the United States.
In the early 2000s, lung cancer accounted for more deaths than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined.
Nearly 90,000 men and 70,000 women in the USA die each year.
(AMA) There is no longer any doubt that cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for not only in lung cancer, but also chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD and cardiovascular disease.
Lung cancer has been linked to; * Smoking * Secondhand smoke * Family history * Radon(radioactive gas) exposure * Workplace exposure(asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, tar and soot) * Air pollution HOW TO FIGHT BACK Do you recall earlier in the article this point was made: 'Regardless of theory, we owe it to ourselves to pay close attention to all possible factors and take advantage of any way to minimize the danger of cancer'.
So how do we minimize the danger of cancer? Hundreds of medical articles have been written describing the role of Glutathione(GSH) in cancer prevention and cancer treatment.
One of the main three groups is identified as prevention, including detoxification of Carcinogens.
A 1996 article in the European Journal of Cancer actually suggested that free radicals be listed as an important class of Carcinogens.
Glutathione(GSH) can soak up oxy-radicals and other free radicals as they form in the cell, this prevents damage to various parts of the cell.
Glutathione(GSH) has the additional benefit of enhancing the effect of other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium.
To top it off, GSH also play an important role in the synthesis and repair of DNA.
Your Key To Health) There is no doubt that a well-functioning glutathione enzyme system wards off cancer.
A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute confirmed this analysis.
We are going to throw two well-known and proven choices at you for you to determine which is the safest, most effective and I might add the most practical.
First-- NAC: The Chemoprevention Branch of the National Cancer Institute(USA) has for the last decade been developing drugs to diminish the incidence of this dreaded disease.
Using NAC(N-Acetyl-Cysteine) is one of those drugs used to raise Glutathione.
NAC therapy has two common problems: firstly, it is a pharmaceutical drug and carries certain toxicity itself; secondly, NAC-induced GSH levels reach a rapid and declines within hours.
The drug is described as having a short half-life.
Second-- Bioactive Whey Protein Bioactive whey proteins contains high levels of non-denatured proteins, also called undenatured whey proteins.
In scientific terms, they preserve the original bioactivity and the mechanical shape of the protein guaranteeing the highest level of GSH-promoting activity.
Research at McGill University in early 1980's by Dr.
Gustavo Bounous while studying protein supplementation lead to the discovery of the bioactive potential of whey proteins.
Bounous and his team went on to develop a whey protein made under conditions that maximize the protein bioactivity.
This protein has been patented for its immuno-sustaining and GSH - enhancing effects.
Undenatured, bioactive whey protein is a natural extract of milk and an ideal solution- a safe, dependable, effective way to raise and sustain GSH levels.
Thank you Dr.
Bounous and your team at McGill University.
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