How to Relieve Your Dog of Joint Pain
- 1). Put your dog on a weight-loss plan. Obesity can put a lot of stress on joints, worsening pain and hastening the development of arthritis. Put your dog on a low-calorie diet to help it lose some weight. Many brands of dog food offer low-calorie and "senior" diets. You can also cut back on its regular food and supplement the diet with high-fiber options such as cooked cabbage, carrots and greens to help satisfy your dog's appetite. Senior brands of dog food also contain added nutrients and Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation.
- 2). Make some changes in your pet's lifestyle to reduce stress on joints and relieve joint pain. Provide a dog bed on the ground for pets to sleep in with at least one open side so pets can easily step in and out of bed. A dog-proof heating pad that only reaches 102 degrees maximum temperature soothes joint pain. A raised platform for dog food bowls reduces stress on the dog's neck when eating. Steps for the patio, bed and other raised areas will make it easier for the dog to get up and down from favored spots.
- 3). Get appropriate medication from the veterinarian. NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory medications commonly prescribed for arthritis pain in pets. This is generally the first line of pain treatment for pets and include Deramaxx, Metacam, Rimadyl and Zubrin. These drugs have fewer side effects than older NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen and aspirin. Always ask the vet about proper dosages before giving medication to your dog. Corticosteroids are a another option. These drugs reduce inflammation and are long-lasting, but dogs on corticosteroids need to have regular blood tests and be under a weight-management plan to ensure optimum health.
- 4). Consider hip surgery for your dog. When your dog no longer responds to pain medication and is having major difficulty getting around, the veterinarian may suggest surgery. Arthroscopic surgery removes debris from the joint, and hip-replacement surgery replaces the entire hip joint. Another option is a stem cell treatment available through a few certified veterinarians: Fat cells are taken from the dog's stomach and sent to a laboratory to extract the stem cells. These cells are injected into the dog's joint, where they then convert to cartilage, ligament and tendon cells, alleviating the dog's hip condition and pain.