Disability Leave and Pregnancy
- The standard coverage for pregnancy leave is six weeks, with additional weeks earned if there are complications during the pregnancy or you have a cesarean. Bed rest, before birth, may not be a part of your employer, state or private insurance policy unless specifically ordered by a physician. You will have to check with your short-term disability provider in order to determine if bed rest due to pregnancy is covered under the terms of your policy.
- State short-term disability programs run from four to six weeks and generally pay one-half to two-thirds of your salary. If complications occur after birth, disability payments can last up to 12 weeks. If your employer or private short-term disability provider pays your salary, this will generally provide 50 to 100 percent of your paycheck for a certain number of weeks. You will have to check with your employer or insurance provider to determine how may weeks you will receive. For some employers and insurance providers, the number of weeks depends on the number of years you've worked for your employer. Usually, there is a cap on the total amount of benefits received. Also, some states and employers' short-term disability programs may require full state benefits to be used first before the employer benefits are paid out. You will receive two checks, one from the state and one from your employer, totaling the full amount of your short-term disability benefits.
- Before short-term disability takes effect, some state and employer programs require vacation and sick time to be used first. Other programs may require you to be out of work for at least a week before the disability benefits begin.
- While on short-term disability, if you receive a portion of your income from your employer, you are required to pay taxes on that income. During your leave, none of the income from your employer is taxed, but you must pay taxes during the April tax season. If you receive short-term disability payments from a state program, these funds are generally not subject to federal taxes. Short-term disability payments can be paid for out-of-pocket if you are self-employed, or additional coverage can be purchased through your employer or state provider to help cover your salary while on pregnancy disability leave. Short-term disability payments personally paid by you cannot be taxed.
- After your six weeks of disability are up, new mothers may decide to return to work. Some mothers may have to go back to work sooner than expected if their benefits only paid half of their normal salary. If additional time is needed, check with your employer to see if additional time can be covered under the Family Medical Leave Act. FMLA will guarantee up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. While on leave, you will not be paid, but your employer will be required to hold your job until you return or until your unpaid leave time runs out.
Leave Time
Unpaid Leave