The Purpose of Yoga - Complete Empowerment with Jnana Yoga
Jnana is the Sanskrit word for "knowledge" and Yoga means "union.
"It sounds simple enough, "union through knowledge," but the spiritual discipline of developing intuitive knowledge takes some of us a lifetime.
Some people will never develop an understanding of their purpose.
Why do I say this?Each of us has an inherent purpose, which is lying dormant, in most cases.
If you look at a High School graduation, how many of the young men and women have found their purpose?How many of your co-workers love their jobs?How many people are happily married? It all comes down to finding your purpose, and it is never too late.
Many people convince themselves that they cannot do anything else, except their present job skills.
Yet, when they leave a job, they always develop new skills.
So, if they do not like their present situation, why not change it? Have you ever heard: "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
" or "Why take a chance?"There are many similar sayings, but they all add up to people, with potential, who do not dare to dream big.
They have not found their life purpose, and they may think opportunities are for everyone else.
Jnana Yoga teaches us to study and look within for answers.
Each person has unique gifts and a higher purpose in this life.
It might be a safe guess to say that less than 10% of all people are completely satisfied with their lives.
Out of that small percentage, how many of them do you think found their true purpose?It would be reasonable to say: "Most of them.
"You can bet they all know the meaning of empowerment too.
© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
"It sounds simple enough, "union through knowledge," but the spiritual discipline of developing intuitive knowledge takes some of us a lifetime.
Some people will never develop an understanding of their purpose.
Why do I say this?Each of us has an inherent purpose, which is lying dormant, in most cases.
If you look at a High School graduation, how many of the young men and women have found their purpose?How many of your co-workers love their jobs?How many people are happily married? It all comes down to finding your purpose, and it is never too late.
Many people convince themselves that they cannot do anything else, except their present job skills.
Yet, when they leave a job, they always develop new skills.
So, if they do not like their present situation, why not change it? Have you ever heard: "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
" or "Why take a chance?"There are many similar sayings, but they all add up to people, with potential, who do not dare to dream big.
They have not found their life purpose, and they may think opportunities are for everyone else.
Jnana Yoga teaches us to study and look within for answers.
Each person has unique gifts and a higher purpose in this life.
It might be a safe guess to say that less than 10% of all people are completely satisfied with their lives.
Out of that small percentage, how many of them do you think found their true purpose?It would be reasonable to say: "Most of them.
"You can bet they all know the meaning of empowerment too.
© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications