Why You Should Not Try To Impress A Woman
If you come across an attractive woman, do you want to impress her? So what will you do in order to impress her?
First of all, you try to figure out what she wants to hear. Then you try to only say 'cool' things, or things that will 'impress' her. You dare not tease her or say anything that might upset her. If you say something that she doesn't like to hear, then immediately you change what you have said to suit her.
Does this sound familiar to you? In fact, trying to impress a woman doesn't impress her.
Women tend to be good at reading body language, so if you try to do thing 'intentionally', they will sense your 'intention'. So this is the real picture, when you intentionally try to impress a woman, you are also sending the following messages on a subconscious level:
a) You are insecure
b) You don't know how to make a woman comfortable with you
c) You cannot act normal infront of an attractive woman
d) You don't have a lot of experience with attractive women.
e) You don't think the woman like you, so you have to try to 'impress' her
If you try to impress a woman, your body language is strange and the conversation doesn't feel normal. Women can tell instantly what are you trying to do. So stop trying to impress women now.
Remember, the only thing that you can do to impress a woman is to learn the technique and make her feel a powerful emotion attraction for you. This type of feeling will stay with her and make her want to see you again.
First of all, you try to figure out what she wants to hear. Then you try to only say 'cool' things, or things that will 'impress' her. You dare not tease her or say anything that might upset her. If you say something that she doesn't like to hear, then immediately you change what you have said to suit her.
Does this sound familiar to you? In fact, trying to impress a woman doesn't impress her.
Women tend to be good at reading body language, so if you try to do thing 'intentionally', they will sense your 'intention'. So this is the real picture, when you intentionally try to impress a woman, you are also sending the following messages on a subconscious level:
a) You are insecure
b) You don't know how to make a woman comfortable with you
c) You cannot act normal infront of an attractive woman
d) You don't have a lot of experience with attractive women.
e) You don't think the woman like you, so you have to try to 'impress' her
If you try to impress a woman, your body language is strange and the conversation doesn't feel normal. Women can tell instantly what are you trying to do. So stop trying to impress women now.
Remember, the only thing that you can do to impress a woman is to learn the technique and make her feel a powerful emotion attraction for you. This type of feeling will stay with her and make her want to see you again.