How to Find an Attorney Who Will Work on Contingency
- 1). Determine what kind of attorney that you need, depending on the type of case that you wish to bring in court. For instance, if you have a personal injury case, you need a personal injury specialist.
- 2). Find a directory of specialists in your desired area of specialization. If you need a personal injury attorney, contact a trial lawyers association. If you wish to sue your employer for discrimination, contact a chapter of the National Employment Lawyers Association. Alternatively, you can search for lawyers by city and specialization at
- 3). Contact several lawyers in your desired area of specialization. Give them a brief explanation of your case, tell them you are seeking representation on a contingency fee basis and ask to meet briefly with the lawyer to discuss your case further. Many lawyers will offer a free consultation to discuss your options.
- 4). Decide which lawyer is right for you after contacting a number of lawyers. Look for an attorney who has successfully tried or settled cases like yours and who is confident that he can get the outcome you want in your case. You also should consider how well the lawyer interacts with you and how responsive he is to your questions and concerns.
- 5). Enter into a contingent fee retainer agreement with the lawyer of your choice. This agreement will not obligate you to finance the full cost of the litigation of your case. However, it may obligate you to pay for some costs, such as filing fees, copying costs and expenses associated with recording and transcribing depositions. Some agreements may require you to pay a relatively small retainer fee. Central to a contingent fee agreement is that upon obtaining a judgment in your case, your lawyer will receive a percentage of the judgment, usually between 30 to 40 percent. However, these terms may be negotiable.