Traditional Home Parties a Bore?Try Turning This Girl"s Night Out Party Into a Great Business Opp
Breaking away from traditional home parties Hosting a Girl's Night Out Party is not your usual traditional home party.
It is always a treat for us to have a night out away from our spouses and/or children and spend time with our friends or co-workers.
However, going to a traditional home party means you will still have fun, but will probably be obligated to "buy something" to help your friend/hostess out with her party.
When you think "I am just here for the food" that is when you walk to your car with $100.
00 worth of products that you may or may not use.
In these economic times, spending that much money to help your friend may cause you to feel guilty as soon as you crank up your car.
A Girl's Night Out Party should be fun, right? How about hosting a make and take your own spa products night? You and your friends will have a great time and will be able to learn how to make your own bath and body products to use over and over again.
Sound interesting? Read on.
A Girls' Night Out Party can be easily planned and executed with very little cost.
You will need to find spa recipes or create your own.
Some examples may include recipes for body scrubs, bubble baths, soap making and even foot soaks.
You will need to figure up your total cost depending on how many people you invite.
Divide the costs and have your guests pay for their part up front.
It will not be a $100.
00 product and it will be something they can take home and actually use, so no one should mind sharing in the cost.
After you have created your "spa recipes", you simply send out the invitations (handmade ones would be great), collect the money, get your supplies and then you will be ready to have a great party with your friends, learn how to save money by making your own bath and body products and most of all, have a wonderful home party that your friends will be talking about for a long time.
It is always a treat for us to have a night out away from our spouses and/or children and spend time with our friends or co-workers.
However, going to a traditional home party means you will still have fun, but will probably be obligated to "buy something" to help your friend/hostess out with her party.
When you think "I am just here for the food" that is when you walk to your car with $100.
00 worth of products that you may or may not use.
In these economic times, spending that much money to help your friend may cause you to feel guilty as soon as you crank up your car.
A Girl's Night Out Party should be fun, right? How about hosting a make and take your own spa products night? You and your friends will have a great time and will be able to learn how to make your own bath and body products to use over and over again.
Sound interesting? Read on.
A Girls' Night Out Party can be easily planned and executed with very little cost.
You will need to find spa recipes or create your own.
Some examples may include recipes for body scrubs, bubble baths, soap making and even foot soaks.
You will need to figure up your total cost depending on how many people you invite.
Divide the costs and have your guests pay for their part up front.
It will not be a $100.
00 product and it will be something they can take home and actually use, so no one should mind sharing in the cost.
After you have created your "spa recipes", you simply send out the invitations (handmade ones would be great), collect the money, get your supplies and then you will be ready to have a great party with your friends, learn how to save money by making your own bath and body products and most of all, have a wonderful home party that your friends will be talking about for a long time.