Cabala, Kabbalah, God and 2012
In answering the question: why did the Creator create creation? The Midrash says, God wanted to be known in the yet to be created corporeal reality of time and space - thus time and space came into existence. Within the scope of time and space the earth evolved through logical inferences of cause and effect. Seeds were developed through ethereal coding and animals were likewise seeded in the earth, destined to live and to die.
Life and death is the process by which the physical earth eventually becomes vehicle for the soul, as explained in the Cabala or Kabbalah, as it is often spelled with a K. The Cabala or Kabbalah, then, holds the key to creation; that the innate life of the earth - through generations of living and dying - eventually forms a vessel able to hold light. It is further explained that this process began 974 generations before life was transferred to the earth from the previous world known as Tohu, the Hebrew name for planet Mars.
There were 26 generations on Earth before Avraham (Abraham) came to this world from the Tower of Babel which was built on Mars 4000 years ago. This is also when the 5000-year-old Mayan calendar completed its first thousand year cycle culminating on every occasion of the 666 in the 6,000-year-old Hebrew calendar. The Mayan calendar began 666 years into the Hebrew calendar and ends 106 years after the last occurrence of 666 in 5666/1906. The reason why there are two calendars is because the Hebrew calendar refers to the light, while the Mayan calendar refers to the vessel meant to hold the light.
The integration of soul and body is parallel to the sexual union of man and woman as described in the Cabala or Kabbalah. This knowledge was stricken by the Rabbis from the common people because of its sexual language, implored to offer explanations of spiritual unifications calling them Zevugim, the Hebrew word for Coitus. The number 666 (the Mayan calendar begin 666 years into the Hebrew calendar and ends 106 years after the last occurrence of 666 in 5666/1906) is indicative of sexual energy-life; when 666 is added it equals Chai/Life with a gematria of 18.
In a few short centuries, the time in which America has stood as a nation, the entirety of the soul will descend upon the world enlivening bodies buried in the ground that will grow directly from the earth; it is a sign of completion-that the physical earth has become vessel to the entirety of the spiritual soul. In 2012 the birth of the spirit has begun and in the remaining years left, 228 from 2012 until the year 6000 in the Hebrew calendar, the human being will evolve a world respecting life by respecting women, the giver of life, and animals the recipient of life.
Man will become as he truly is - a good conduit between heaven and earth and nothing will stand in contradiction to the Creator and creation.
Life and death is the process by which the physical earth eventually becomes vehicle for the soul, as explained in the Cabala or Kabbalah, as it is often spelled with a K. The Cabala or Kabbalah, then, holds the key to creation; that the innate life of the earth - through generations of living and dying - eventually forms a vessel able to hold light. It is further explained that this process began 974 generations before life was transferred to the earth from the previous world known as Tohu, the Hebrew name for planet Mars.
There were 26 generations on Earth before Avraham (Abraham) came to this world from the Tower of Babel which was built on Mars 4000 years ago. This is also when the 5000-year-old Mayan calendar completed its first thousand year cycle culminating on every occasion of the 666 in the 6,000-year-old Hebrew calendar. The Mayan calendar began 666 years into the Hebrew calendar and ends 106 years after the last occurrence of 666 in 5666/1906. The reason why there are two calendars is because the Hebrew calendar refers to the light, while the Mayan calendar refers to the vessel meant to hold the light.
The integration of soul and body is parallel to the sexual union of man and woman as described in the Cabala or Kabbalah. This knowledge was stricken by the Rabbis from the common people because of its sexual language, implored to offer explanations of spiritual unifications calling them Zevugim, the Hebrew word for Coitus. The number 666 (the Mayan calendar begin 666 years into the Hebrew calendar and ends 106 years after the last occurrence of 666 in 5666/1906) is indicative of sexual energy-life; when 666 is added it equals Chai/Life with a gematria of 18.
In a few short centuries, the time in which America has stood as a nation, the entirety of the soul will descend upon the world enlivening bodies buried in the ground that will grow directly from the earth; it is a sign of completion-that the physical earth has become vessel to the entirety of the spiritual soul. In 2012 the birth of the spirit has begun and in the remaining years left, 228 from 2012 until the year 6000 in the Hebrew calendar, the human being will evolve a world respecting life by respecting women, the giver of life, and animals the recipient of life.
Man will become as he truly is - a good conduit between heaven and earth and nothing will stand in contradiction to the Creator and creation.