How to Be a Political Activist
1Vote. It's the least you can do.
Join your political party of choice. All of the major political parties in the United States have their own websites and instructions on how to join. Sign up for email notification of political events in your area.
Read newspapers, but skip the evening news for information on what's hot in politics. Television broadcasts are at the mercy of advertisers who often have their own political agendas.
Call or write letters to members of Congress or the Senate. Every House member's email address is listed on their respective government pages. Remember, these people work for you, so don't be shy about telling them, specifically, what you expect from them.
Become a campaign volunteer. Candidates always need help stuffing envelopes or going door-to-door. You will also meet others who share your values. Your candidate's website will usually have a list of contact people who can help you get started.
Get involved in online activism, or put up your own website. This way, those who are interested in the same things can seek you out. Use the Internet as a networking resource.
Run for a local office yourself. The major political parties are sometimes willing to help you campaign for the school board, town mayor or board of trustees.