Torrance Chiropractors Best Method For Low Back Pain
There can be many ways in which you may have back pain. One major factor, according to the top Torrance Chiropractors, is that it could be due to the first spinal bone in the upper cervical neck area known as the atlas or cervical 1. The atlas is the most freely moveable bone in the spine and it is also the most vulnerable one.
The atlas is capable of becoming lock out of place right underneath the skull causing consistent nerve pressure due to some type of trauma, accidents, falls, or sleeping in a wrong position. When the atlas becomes lock out of place, the head which sits on top of the atlas and weights roughly around 10-12lbs, shift off center. This causes muscles that are attached to the spinal bones to tighten up on one side of the neck. At that same time muscles of the shoulder start tightening up on the same side. As the shoulder muscle tightens, the rest of the spine has to compensate for it. Then the lower back must tighten up causing the pelvis to change positions by having one side of the hip to rotate and causing illusion of a short leg.
The spine then shifts with this abnormal position for a new center of gravity and this is where you can start to have major spinal breakdown and back pain. All from having an upper cervical spinal bone misaligned causing consistent nerve pressure. So the main goal of upper cervical chiropractic in Torrance and the South Bay is to remove the specific area that is causing nerve pressure. This relieves the muscle tightness and restores back balance to the body. If you are suffering from low back pain, it just might be due to an upper cervical spinal bone.
Upper cervical chiropractors in Torrance and the South Bay use no forceful or twisting motion of the neck. The adjustment is very specific and it is exceptionally safe. If you are suffering from any type of low back pain or health ailment you might want to try upper cervical chiropractic care. It just may help.
The atlas is capable of becoming lock out of place right underneath the skull causing consistent nerve pressure due to some type of trauma, accidents, falls, or sleeping in a wrong position. When the atlas becomes lock out of place, the head which sits on top of the atlas and weights roughly around 10-12lbs, shift off center. This causes muscles that are attached to the spinal bones to tighten up on one side of the neck. At that same time muscles of the shoulder start tightening up on the same side. As the shoulder muscle tightens, the rest of the spine has to compensate for it. Then the lower back must tighten up causing the pelvis to change positions by having one side of the hip to rotate and causing illusion of a short leg.
The spine then shifts with this abnormal position for a new center of gravity and this is where you can start to have major spinal breakdown and back pain. All from having an upper cervical spinal bone misaligned causing consistent nerve pressure. So the main goal of upper cervical chiropractic in Torrance and the South Bay is to remove the specific area that is causing nerve pressure. This relieves the muscle tightness and restores back balance to the body. If you are suffering from low back pain, it just might be due to an upper cervical spinal bone.
Upper cervical chiropractors in Torrance and the South Bay use no forceful or twisting motion of the neck. The adjustment is very specific and it is exceptionally safe. If you are suffering from any type of low back pain or health ailment you might want to try upper cervical chiropractic care. It just may help.