How to Get Rid of Crab Grass in Your Garden
- 1). Pull crabgrass out of your garden by hand when you spot it. This is the quickest way to get rid of it, but it's not a permanent solution because more crabgrass may grow back.
- 2). Cover crabgrass with mulch. This will keep it from getting any sunlight and going to seed. Maintain the mulch layer throughout the growing season.
- 3). Keep water away from the crabgrass when you are watering your other plants. Crabgrass cannot survive and seed without water.
- 1). Apply preemergent herbicide before crabgrass germination, when the weather is still cool. It can also be applied after manual removal of crabgrass.
- 2). Use postemergent herbicide before the crabgrass grows to its full height and is in the one to three leaf stage. Crabgrass larger than that will require more than one application. To avoid damage to plants, do not use postemergent herbicide if temperatures exceed 95 degrees F.
- 3). Apply a selective pre- or postemergent herbicide to avoid damage to various types of broad-leafed ornamental plants. If you use a nonselective pre- or postemergent herbicide, apply it carefully because it will damage any plant it comes in contact with.
Non-Chemical Crabgrass Control
Herbicidal Crabgrass Control