Managing Pain With Ear Acupuncture
Ear acupuncture, which is also known as auriculotherapy, originated in China.
It has been practiced in Asia for 2000 years and in Europe for 50 years and recently has been accepted in United States.
It is based on the principle that the imbalance in energy flow is the cause of ailments in the human body.
Acupuncturist identifies the lines of energy along the body.
The imbalance can be corrected by inserting needles at specific points along the lines of energy.
Our body functions are mapped on the outer surface of the ear.
To stimulate a particular part of the body its corresponding location on the outer ear is pricked with a needle.
The acupuncturist takes complete medical history of the patient including life style and habits.
He uses 6 to 12 needles to insert them in the locations that he has identified.
The treatment session lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.
Ear acupuncture is quite effective in case of acute pains and chronic stiff joints.
Sometimes the patient has been cured within minutes.
Ear acupuncture is considered as safe and easy for self treatment and group healing.
It is going to be effective if the needle is inserted at the point that gives maximum pain.
Initially the pain will be felt and gradually it gets reduced.
The main disadvantage is to locate the point that gives maximum pain.
This is difficult for people who are very sensitive to pain.
After the treatment, the patient experiences reduction in pain for several hours.
As the treatment is repeated the pain reduction period increases from several hours to several days and several weeks.
Auricular therapy is used for several types of pains including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
It has been practiced in Asia for 2000 years and in Europe for 50 years and recently has been accepted in United States.
It is based on the principle that the imbalance in energy flow is the cause of ailments in the human body.
Acupuncturist identifies the lines of energy along the body.
The imbalance can be corrected by inserting needles at specific points along the lines of energy.
Our body functions are mapped on the outer surface of the ear.
To stimulate a particular part of the body its corresponding location on the outer ear is pricked with a needle.
The acupuncturist takes complete medical history of the patient including life style and habits.
He uses 6 to 12 needles to insert them in the locations that he has identified.
The treatment session lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.
Ear acupuncture is quite effective in case of acute pains and chronic stiff joints.
Sometimes the patient has been cured within minutes.
Ear acupuncture is considered as safe and easy for self treatment and group healing.
It is going to be effective if the needle is inserted at the point that gives maximum pain.
Initially the pain will be felt and gradually it gets reduced.
The main disadvantage is to locate the point that gives maximum pain.
This is difficult for people who are very sensitive to pain.
After the treatment, the patient experiences reduction in pain for several hours.
As the treatment is repeated the pain reduction period increases from several hours to several days and several weeks.
Auricular therapy is used for several types of pains including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.